UncleTom 发表于 2014-4-29 23:07:01





韩老师画室 发表于 2014-4-29 23:10:50


UncleTom 发表于 2014-4-29 23:19:24

English edition of preface
Or is seen but no result, or is thinking but no result, immediately and frequently and optionally record. Auditory and visual hallucination, also recorded.
                                                                                                 ——Tom Tom

William 发表于 2014-4-30 08:29:13

High is really high

Ruibin 发表于 2014-4-30 08:38:20

no ming feel li

UncleTom 发表于 2014-4-30 22:50:43


UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 00:15:45



UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 00:21:57

High is really high
William 发表于 2014-4-30 08:29 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gifyou are higher

UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 00:26:11

no ming feel li
Ruibin 发表于 2014-4-30 08:38 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gifno clear right away inside?

UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 00:28:17

韩老师画室 发表于 2014-4-29 23:10 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif你咋知道我说的好天气是下雨?知我红姐。

UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 23:16:13


UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 23:20:46





UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 23:28:31


UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 23:39:10


UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-2 00:09:45

雨以令人不快、非常沉闷的印象留在了童年的记忆里。而后是一个人一生里最不关注自然的一个阶段,赤条条从虚无里走来后最华而不实却最充实的一个阶段,这期间,雨不带一点感情色彩地默默下了多年,直到前些年,我吃惊 ...
UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 00:15 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif希望楼主严加防范,退行严重的话可能会发展出咬指甲、吸姆指、尿床等行为,和人交流不说完整句子,或仅说一句话(像某人),最后拒绝起床、说话。

UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-2 00:13:37

今天去山里。山下有百亩芍药,根茎是药材,正开花,但怕花浪费养分,过几天就要全部拿大镰刀削掉。问地主,为什么不拿花市上卖掉,一支花几毛钱批发出去,几万朵花,也是笔收益。地主说没有人买芍药花。我们说帮他到 ...
UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-1 23:16 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif多可爱的小鸡鸡。但加拿大不让养鸡,在城里。冬天没暖气鸡会被冻死。养个鸟冬天也不好办。加拿大很无聊的。听说楼主本来说好是去塔希提的?

UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-2 00:18:01

UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-2 00:13 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif是,但一直没有在地图上找到这个地方。

UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-2 00:28:48

UncleTom 发表于 2014-5-2 00:09 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif是啊是啊,有个熟人退行就比较严重,儿子都上中学了,还总跟大姑娘谈恋爱。有朋友去他单位在他的工作日志上题词:二八佳人体如酥,腰间伏剑斩愚夫。

小黑子 发表于 2014-5-2 06:26:01

At that time most do not like the rain , the memory , the day it is always raining. What do kids like the rain ? Rain, yard full of children , chickens , mice and ants are the rain back to the nest , the fun just to find a nook huddled chicken , a close one . Brick lane, mud , chicken circles, under wire Guapeng , all rain. Nobody outside play, a yard one hundred ten children , who are not born as planned , kids want to come and , at the moment one is gone. Rainwater flows from high to low point at the edge of the brick road out of the shallow trench , carries a thin trickle of sand flowing from the front of my house . Whole body wet , I moved a little bench to sit the entrance , waiting for rain in the past. West neighbor nest girl, now might be a positive quarrel. East neighbors are intellectuals, engineers are sharpening his wife , waiting to punish kids constantly howling , one minute six times in protest. Rainwater from the roof came down, fell in front of the brick on the ground , fell on their specific location , sparking one water bubble , carved in a row shades of pits , cleaning the bricks on white , stubborn droppings Indian children . Sometimes the rain from the roof leak into the house, starting a plastic sheeting then lead it to put in the wall of the basin . Crackling , intermittent , crackling , one an other end of the rain curtain , family member courtyard and plant trees along the adjacent hazy . Windy, chicken feathers in the neck to shrink . Rain pigwash door , the threshold will be watery in a while . Children from Nature recently , not every layer of plastic sheeting , a makeover on a cold, raw prickly heat on a hot , wet rains , an excitement screamed . At that time , each house is also very close from the natural cold outside the house cold outside, hot hot house , every household the open door , greet everything from the neighbors , chicken rings, heaven and on earth , and nothing in the past.

小黑子 发表于 2014-5-2 06:27:12

Rain with unpleasant , very dull impression left in the childhood memories . Then a person's life is not concerned about the most natural one stage, the most pompous naked after coming from nothing but a stage in the most fulfilling , during which the rain without a little emotional silently down the years, until a few years ago , I was surprised to realize that , for many years , in fact, is my favorite rainy weather . Memory in a strange manner against rain impression.
A few days ago to go all the way rain. I sat on the high-speed rail , for a moment , eyes closed , while watching the rain outside scene , not to mention enjoy but do not worry. Section of the road , high-speed rail side with blue watchtowers and III minutes to see one. Some watchtower erected at the field edge, some in the jungle , some in full of lavender flowers Indus village edge . Precarious , watchtowers stays , bright and clean , very attractive. I start daydreaming eyes open , holding the phone sitting in the watchtower in a while to see the micro-channel , while tours tours rain , at the end of the financial paychecks .
Analysis eyes closed . Rain, liquid , negative , moisture , heaven to the earth 's milk and honey child ; , nothingness drilled out the seeds of amniotic fluid , the womb , the initial state of the ......
Years Day reminders are old day, day strike day you let your back row while Parry side , so you resorted to feeding effort is still incompetent .
Memory does not provide memories feeding time , it must be better than sitting on the bench view more sweet rain .

Freud's theories to a supplement : reward behavior has degraded nature of rain , the rain that reward those who observe such a fluid exchange between heaven and earth to make their wish to return to nothingness in amniotic fluid or the desire to get disguised met. And modern film theory that viewing and dreaming with the same mechanism as the heart , the desire to meet with the degradation process is the nature of the return of the nature of the anus , and throw away the mature behavior and survival skills in reality frustrated after recovery naive, original way to meet the nature of desire . Rain reward behavior usually a silent act , but it is a silent scream , unseen hysteria, but essentially still want to return to calm , there is no return .
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