过几天就登陆了,因为想在第二个宝宝出世前把房子先买好,所以想问一下新移民在登陆后,如果还没找到工作,是否可以申请到房屋贷款.国内有固定的店租收入,但产权写的是我父亲的名字,无法做为我的收入证明. 难 。 Yes. 35% downpayment. Yes. 35% downpayment.David-qd 发表于 2012-5-15 00:29 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
这种贷款是只有特定的金融机构才有还是各家银行都有,只是利率不同? 谢谢 了
这种贷款是只有特定的金融机构才有还是各家银行都有,只是利率不同? 谢谢 了
yook2000 发表于 2012-5-15 00:43 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
发给你的指南中有说明,对新移民,只是提高首付比例,其他都一样。各大银行都可以。 可以,只是首付高一些,如果首付能够达到50%,连收入证明都不需要了,银行基本没啥风险了。:-D 可以,只是首付高一些,如果首付能够达到50%,连收入证明都不需要了,银行基本没啥风险了。:-D
CICI 发表于 2012-5-15 12:02 PM http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif还好,我以为要100%,学习中 新移民35%的首付,不需要提供工作证明和信用记录。 之前看的是30% ,不过以35%为准吧 可以,首付30%或35%,而且帐上必须有这个比例的存款。复印件提交就可以了。现在是新移民登陆三年内可以这个政策。 30%的首付,有的银行可以,有的不可以。 35%都可以。 前天发了邮件给TD,收到他们的回复,感兴趣的朋友可以看一下:
We are pleased to provide the following details regarding applying for a mortgage as a new resident of Canada:
Borrower Eligibility:
New Immigrant applicants will not have an established credit history in Canada and, therefore, must provide:
*Evidence of liquid assets (cash or cash equivalents only; foreign or domestic real estate not qualified) equal to 50% of purchase price
*Applicants must be residents in Canada (Landed Immigrant Status) or confirm an application for Landed Immigrant Status has been made and received/ acknowledged by Immigration Canada
*Verify that that no more than 3 years have gone by since the date of being granted the Landed Immigrant Status or date of application for the same, as applicable.
*Minimum down payment of $40,000.
*Gifted down payment not permitted.
Documentation Required:
*Satisfactory letter of reference from Bank in the country of origin.
*Confirmation of minimum 25% down payment plus closing costs, to be without recourse to additional borrowing and that the funds are in Canada, prior to submission of the application
*Confirmation of additional liquid assets equal to 25% of the purchase price, with 10% on deposit in Canada.
*Offer to Purchase and MLS listing (if applicable). 多伦多貌似不这样,我家客人新移民刚办完贷款,首付30%,银行无条件贷款,他们也是新移民,没工作,而且应该很长时间都找不到工作。太太怀孕了。 谢谢各位的分享。
新移民没工作,银行对总的贷款额度有限制吗? 貌似没有.开户时问了TD客户经理,只说付30%,根本不理会我原来从TD收到的邮件.(见12楼). 找华人的客户经理吧,他们会帮你想些办法的.