Are you a Chinese student at the U of T, OCAD or Ryerson University? 你是多伦多大学/怀雅逊大学/OCAD大学的中国留学生或新移民学生吗?
Are you thinking about ways to get better marks, build leadership or meet new people? 你想了解提高学术成绩和建立领导力的方法,并结识新朋友吗?
You may want to attend a cool function organized by the university on February 2nd, 2015 (Monday) 4-6pm in POD50B on Ryerson Campus in the ISS building, north west corner of Victoria and Gerrard. 来参加2015年2月2日周一的团体活动吧 时间:周一下午 4-6点 地点:怀雅逊大学Podium Building POD50B
Free, refreshment provided. 茶点小食供应
We look forward to seeing you! 快来参加吧~
汗,被自己翻译的文字傻哭了…… 大家帮我宣传一下吧,必须是这三所大学的学生。 Frank,要是不适合发这里,麻烦帮我转移掉,不好意思哈~~