说好不care的,一个人担三人的技术活,我是不是该佩服下自己呢~ 但在看到其他组成员击掌那一刻,说实话还是有些失落的
I don't care about what you do, she neither, It is you who learn here 老外更愿意讲实话,其实挺好
when I joined the department in 1983, * (plural of Magus =
a wise man; see the NT) was the person to go to
for operating system problems.
He set service standards!
Just a few weeks ago, we again
encountered a weird thing, which he handled
in little time. I call this competence and dedication.
Over the years I have come to rely on * as my
first and unfailing source when things went wrong
in the departmental computer systems. He followed
up on the leads provided to identify the problem
rather than discard them as either "sorry, I don't
know it either" or "we don't see this", which
would have been the more opportune way as I often observed
from the systems group.
* helped instead of postponing solutions by
meaningless email replies.
I hope that the current systems group can live up to these
I hope we'll have somebody with feet big enough to fit
*'s shoes.
* is great in listening and listening to.
If you don't know: * is singing in an excellent choir in
London. When I can I attend his concerts; I hope the
same is true with mine.