冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-7 04:09:47

蒙特利尔中餐馆全武行 中国人大战黑人视频网上疯传

本帖最后由 冬日的彩虹 于 2012-1-7 04:38 编辑

蒙特利尔中餐馆全武行 中国人大战黑人视频网上疯传发表日期:2012-01-06 14:17:17 作者:明报





蒙特利尔警方发言人拉弗尼尔警长(Ian Lafreniere)说:「在这宗事件中,没有人愿意提案或是作证,所以我们的调查差不多了结。」




视频名为「华黑大战」(Chinese vs Blacks),警方不肯说,殴斗有无族裔斗争的动机,抑或涉及帮派殴斗。


视频据称在蒙特利尔华埠君悦酒家(New Dynasty Restaurant)摄得,视频周二上载後,网站World Star Hip Hop有18多万次点击。

此外,美国网站The Smoking Gun也有转播这段视频和故事。

冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-7 04:15:12

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pLB-SXS7w9U?hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-7 04:19:11

Bonaventure metro shooting

本帖最后由 冬日的彩虹 于 2012-1-7 04:49 编辑

Man shot at Montreal metro stationOrange line service suspended in both directions between Berri-UQÀM and Lionel-Groulx CBC NewsPosted: Jan 6, 2012 2:13 PM ET
Last Updated: Jan 6, 2012 3:05 PM ET


A man is in critical condition with gunshot wounds and a police officer was slashed with a knife during an altercation at Montreal's Bonaventure metro station Friday afternoon.
Eyewitnesses report seeing two people rushed out on stretchers after hearing shots near the station's De La Gauchetière exit.
TV images show paramedics performing CPR on at least one of the victims as he was wheeled to an ambulance.
The metro's orange line was closed in both directions between Berri-UQÀM and Lionel-Groulx until further notice.
Shuttle bus service is being provided between each stop until further notice.
Police say De la Cathedrale Street is closed between St-Antoine and De la Gauchetière Street, and want drivers to avoid the area.

冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-7 04:24:39

Coups de feu metro Bonaventure.
@tvanouvelles http://pic.twitter.com/me0LAmu3

由 http://twitter.com/phoenix/img/turkey-icon.png Photobucket 提供支持

1小时前通过 Twitter for Android

life007 发表于 2012-1-7 04:35:30


冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-7 04:44:17

本帖最后由 冬日的彩虹 于 2012-1-7 04:48 编辑

Last Updated: Jan 6, 2012 3:39 PM ET
A man is dead and a police officer is being treated for knife wounds after a shooting at Montreal's Bonaventure metro station Friday afternoon.
Ambulance services confirmed the man's death from gunshot wounds. The officer was slashed in the chest area but is in stable condition in hospital.
Eyewitnesses report seeing two people rushed out on stretchers after hearing three shots near the station's De La Gauchetière exit.
TV images show paramedics performing CPR on at least one of the victims as he was wheeled to an ambulance.
A second police officer was treated for shock.
A witness told CBC reporter Kristin Falcao that he saw a man at the ticket booth walking away from police officers, and refusing to stop.

The witness said the man ran with officers in pursuit, and disappeared around a corner. Shots were then heard.
Police say De la Cathedrale Street is closed between St-Antoine and De la Gauchetière Street, and want drivers to avoid the area.


冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-7 05:53:16

本帖最后由 冬日的彩虹 于 2012-1-7 05:57 编辑


A man was killed and an officer was injured in a ticket booth incident at Montreal's Bonaventure metro station
Friday. (CBC)


life007 发表于 2012-1-7 07:45:52


杀破狼 发表于 2012-1-7 10:55:23


冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-7 11:21:08


冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-8 09:25:08

Police have released the identity of a man who died Friday after he was shot by a Montreal police officer.

Farshad Mohammadi, 34, was identified through fingerprints. He wasn’t carrying identification at the time of the confrontation at the Bonaventure metro station, according to Quebec provincial police.

Mohammadi was homeless and had been living out of shelters.

Provincial police, who are investigating the shooting, said Mohammadi attacked one of the two responding officers with an edged weapon and one of the officers then shot the suspect.

A police officer was treated for cuts to his neck and torso.

Mohammadi died in hospital. The officer’s injuries are not considered life-threatening.

The incident happened just before 1:40 p.m. at the downtown station.

A witness who was near the ticket window said he saw two police officers take out their weapons, a gun and a baton.

They allegedly shouted for the suspect to stop, but he refused and started to run.

The witness said he heard three shots after the officers and the suspect turned a corner.

Several other witnesses said the man refused to stop after several demands from police.

Staff and clients at the Maison du Père shelter in Montreal said Mohammadi spent Christmas and New Year's there.

They said he had immigrated from Iran and had been using the shelter's services since 2008. He was reserved and did not speak French, said France Desjardins of Maison du Père.

"Somebody was asking me if he had problems with mental illness. It's difficult for us to assess because he was not engaging in any dialogue with us," she said.

"He was not somebody to ask for more help."

冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-8 09:46:03

又是移民问题,从伊朗来的移民,2008年流浪,多次住庇护所,the Maison du Père shelter in Montreal 的职员称:他在该庇护所渡过了圣诞节和新年,他没带证件,警察在地铁站向他喊话时,他开始狂奔,警察后来开枪射击......


冬日的彩虹 发表于 2012-1-8 10:06:42



life007 发表于 2012-1-8 10:08:41

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