从如下网站可以看到Permanent card photo尺寸要求:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5445ETOC.asp#appendixB
Appendix B: Photo specifications
Take this sheet with you to the Photographer
Important information
NEW Photo Dimensions
Permanent Resident Card photos are not the same as passport photos.
[*]You may wear non-tinted and tinted prescription glasses as long as your eyes are clearly visible. Make sure that your eyes are not hidden by glare on the lenses. Sunglasses are not acceptable.[*]A hairpiece or other cosmetic accessory is acceptable if it does not disguise your normal appearance and you wear the accessory on a regular basis.[*]The photos must clearly show your face. If you may not remove your head covering for religious reasons, make sure your full facial features are visible.[*]Photos must have been taken within the last 12 months to ensure an up-to-date likeness.[*]Photos may be either black and white or colour.[*]Your face must be square to the camera with a neutral expression, neither frowning nor smiling, and with your mouth closed.
Photograph Specifications (PDF, 989 KB)
You may print this and bring it with you to the photographer
unqte 谢谢小小桥,不过我问个很菜的问题(别捶我啊!),枫叶卡的照片是什么时候提供的?每当看到登陆的同学说,担心以前留的照片不合格,另外补照了枫叶卡照片,我心里就直打鼓:我们有提供过吗? 体检时需要交枫叶卡照片吗?我们体检的时候好像只是交的普通护照照片。 2# Joy达达
枫叶卡照片 申请时递交过 3# jmadele 对体检时交护照照片 谢谢分享, 好象是明白了. 谢谢了!:sun:
4# 小小桥