请问各位XDJMS,现在香港的案子,还用不用主申请亲自去取签啊?如果想亲自去取签,可不可以呢? 不是必须的。 大部分邮寄取签。 不是必须的。 大部分邮寄取签。David-qd 发表于 2011-12-21 23:45 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
那如果想亲自去取签的话,不知道可以不呀?主要是我家的地址一封使馆的信都没收到,我是怕寄丢了,没有自己去取保险(对于我家地址经常丢信的情况而言) 取签信或邮件上应该会有关于如何取签的说明。
The photos must:
show a full front view of the person’s head and shoulders showing full face centred in the middle of the photograph;
have a plain white background;
be identical (black and white or colour) produced from the same untouched negative, or exposed simultaneously by a split‑image or multi‑lens camera;
The photos must:
measure between 25 mm and 35 mm (1”and 1 3/8”) from chin to crown;
have a 35 mm x 45 mm (1 3/8” x 1 3/4”) finished size. 『支持』