新闻:Mounties to investigate immigration program
NB省提名这一年就没有消停的时候,还不知道会出啥事呢。Probe | Program was closed last week for lack of oversight
The province has asked the Mounties to investigate a provincial immigration program.
Paul Harpelle, a spokesman for the Attorney General's Office, confirmed the deputy attorney general filed complaints to the RCMP on Monday regarding the provincial nominee program, which was administered by the province.
Harpelle wouldn't say what aspects of the program the department is asking police to scrutinize.
"No further comment will be made," Harpelle said.
Sgt. James McAnany said the RCMP is reviewing the file.
Post-secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Martine Coulombe shut down the pilot project last week in response to concerns voiced earlier this year by the province's auditor general.
Following an internal review, Coulombe said all remaining applications under the former Chinese escrow pilot project were being withdrawn.
The pilot project used private consultants to fast-track immigrants from China. Applicants were expected to provide $60,000 each in surety
A report filed in February by auditor general Kim MacPherson found that while the province approved the applications of more than 5,500 immigrants between 1999-2009, there was no way of knowing whether they set foot in the province. 加拿大的审计就是厉害。 怎么警察都要介入了?nb省提名计划又停了啊~~~我刚提交资料呢,哎,怎么那么倒霉~~ 楼主,你的这条消息哪里看到的,nb省的官网么? 楼主,你的这条消息哪里看到的,nb省的官网么?
cloudlea 发表于 2011-11-19 10:01
当地官方新闻网站。 审计以后的结果会是什么情况?难道会退回6万保证金吗?