主申请人在国外, 副申在国内ME后,体检, mailing address 问题
本帖最后由 小草 于 2011-10-21 11:20 编辑我是投北京的。
10月12日收到e-mail 要求体检。怎么看有童鞋收到纸质的信,我是否还会收到纸质的信呢?
提前感谢!!!『谢谢』 不懂,帮顶!!! 我是新手 从近半个月的读贴 感觉你不会再收到纸质的了在美国好像也有认可的体检地方另外体检时你带上打印的ME信 还有四张照片体检完指定的体检机构会把你的体检结果寄到加拿大(好像需要3-5周时间)
供参考 2# 等待中1976
我看你的ME快来了 别着急
我也在等这个东东 供后面童鞋参考
http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=95170&extra=page%3D1 收到了使馆的回信。内容如下
As you are residing outside China,we will have to send you medical examination forms by mail. Note that mailing address that we have on file is a Chinese address while USA residential address that you have provided on this email is different from the one we have on file.
You are advised to provide the documents listed below either by regular mail or fax ((86-10) 5139-4449). This is to ensure the consistency of information on your application form regarding your mailing address.
- Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf)
-Four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters
- Updated use of representative form (IMM5457E) if you have an agent,(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5476E.PDF)
Please understand that we cannot confirm receipt of every fax/mail received. When you send a fax to our office make sure that the machine you are using has an option confirmation report "on". Please do not request confirmation of fax receipt.
Please specify which mailing address should we send medical examination forms to.
Yours sincerely, 有点不明白了,不是说,都是电子的了吗?还要有信件寄给我纸质的吗?是因为不在国内吗? 后面都会邮寄什么?填写哪里的邮寄地址, 国内还是国外比较方便?