大迁徙之 - 狼在旅途
本帖最后由 杀破狼 于 2011-6-24 02:25 编辑上接第一季,大迁徙之 - 东进序曲
途中比较值得期待的是黄石公园和总统山这两个比较出名的景点,其它还有华盛顿州境内的"德国村"Leavenworth,一些具有西部风情的小镇,以及中西部的麦迪逊,芝加哥,底特律。当然,也包括加拿大的温莎和伦敦。 『支持』够远的了『崇拜』 路线计划主要是依靠google地图,tripadvisor的酒店,餐馆,景点评价,以及其它从网站搜索到的信息。
因为是旅游旺季,黄石公园附近的酒店需要提前预订,偶发现一些前2个星期还有房间的酒店已经满员,所以,也先预订了一个,如果行程有改变,只要提前24小时通知取消,只会损失一个定金(10%-20%)。 第一天中午的目的地是Leavenworth,本来google地图的建议是不经过它的,受了apple3800老大的这个帖子的影响,决定专程路过一趟。
他去的时候好像正好是个当地的节日,所以很热闹,也很有德国小镇的味道。偶只是路过,埋锅造饭,补充些粮草就又上路了。不知道他当时吃那家著名的咸猪手饭馆是不是King Ludwig’s,味道如何?好像网站上褒奖不一,有的说只是一般,皮硬嚼不动。
看网站上介绍还有一家德国风味的饭Muchen Haus的评价还不错,决定也放在候选名单上。 咸猪手在慕尼黑吃过, 觉得很对中国人胃口哦$-) 本帖最后由 魔人布欧 于 2011-6-24 03:30 编辑
别忘了还有择校、租房、购房篇啊。『洋葱头S13』 旅游?『洋葱头S29』
魔人布欧 发表于 2011-6-23 11:26 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
这位同学迫不及待等着抄作业了『呵呵』 本帖最后由 魔人布欧 于 2011-6-24 09:33 编辑
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/q9EgRGbP54I/(如狼先生马虎交作业,送这首);http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/21swvn-61yM/(写得好,则来段又红又专又有歌词的)。 如果写的好,能不能将来听有情的真人演唱呀?
wondering 发表于 2011-6-24 03:39 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
压力很大呀。 前排占座:-D
长途旅行安全第一,网络资料能打印打印以备不时之需『Canada-Flag』 第一天中午的目的地是Leavenworth,本来google地图的建议是不经过它的,受了apple3800老大的这个帖子的影响,决定专程路过一趟。
他去的时候好像正好是个当地的节日,所以很热闹,也很有德国小镇的味道。偶只是路 ...
杀破狼 发表于 2011-6-24 03:01 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
上海世博会介绍世博园美食的时候,东方卫视专门做过一期报道是深入德国人的厨房餐厅去拍摄咸猪手的制作过程的,还拍了游客品尝的镜头,当然,吃的都说物有所值,但是,我看那猪手确实很油腻,而且150人民币一个,觉得...有点不值。倒是德国的大猪肉丸?不知什么做的,去德国旅游的时候吃过,5欧一个,据说,是下榻的旅店老板熬制了两个多小时做的,现在想起来就是很大,一下就饱了。 安省的吸引力越来越大。。。 楼上dabei同学说的不错,路上安全第一,最怕的是车有故障或人有个头疼脑热的。
Your Autoplan insurance is valid everywhere in Canada and the U.S., including Alaska and Hawaii. Unfortunately, it is not valid in Mexico.
关于车遇到故障,偶的汽车制造商说,新车3年内享有这个Road Assistance服务,问了他们,除了阿拉斯加和夏威夷,其它美国大陆州分都可以使用。
When you drive a Nissan, odds are you’re an adventure seeker. And what’s as reliable as a rush behind the wheel? Help, when you need it. Nissan’s Roadside Assistance Service is just a phone call away, any time day or night.* Simply call 1-800-387-0122 and our trusted representatives will do their best to get you back on the road as quickly as possible.
Sometimes, the things you don’t expect are the best. Like our range of services, for instance. We’re not just available for towing and battery boosts. Did you know we’ll also deliver gas wherever you’re stranded**, help you plan your trip and even assist you with accommodation expenses if your trip is interrupted due to a mechanical breakdown more than 100 km from home†? It’s just another way our Roadside Assistance Service goes further to ensure your adventures continue and you’re safely on your way.
For more information, please read through your Warranty Booklet, go to your nearest Nissan dealer or visit us online.
* NISSAN Roadside Assistance Service is provided for a period of three years from the in-service date of the vehicle.
** $5 worth of fuel is delivered so that you can proceed to the nearest service station. The cost of fuel is not covered. Where gas delivery is prohibited, your vehicle will be towed up to 100 km, to the nearest service station.
† NISSAN Roadside Assistance Service will reimburse you to a maximum of $100 for hotel and meal expenses required while you await the repair to your vehicle.
旅行者的医疗保险,BC Health说,虽然保险是包的,但是赔偿金额不高:
Temporary Absence from British Columbia
You may be eligible to receive coverage for up to 24 consecutive months of absence while temporarily outside B.C. Approval is limited to once in five years for absences that exceed six months in a calendar year.
Residents who spend part of every year outside B.C. must be physically present in Canada at least six months in a calendar year and continue to maintain their home in B.C. in order to retain coverage. If you are unsure whether you will qualify for coverage during an absence or know your eligibility will end, contact MSP with details.
When you stay outside B.C. longer than the period for which you are entitled to coverage, you will be required to fulfill a waiting period upon return to the province before coverage can be renewed.
You should be aware that your provincial coverage may not pay for all the health care costs you may incur outside the province, and the difference can be substantial. For example, B.C. pays $75 (Cdn) a day for emergency in-patient hospital care, while the average cost in the U.S. often exceeds $1000 (US) a day, and can be as high as $10,000 (US) a day in intensive care. For this reason, you are strongly advised to purchase additional health insurance from a private insurer before you leave the province, whether you are going to another part of Canada or outside the country - even if you plan to be away for only a day. See Medical Care Outside B.C. for more information.
Travel and Medical Insurance Automatically receive emergency travel medical coverage up to CAD$1,000,000 for you (as the Primary Cardholder), your spouse and dependent children travelling with you. Unlimited trips per year and up to 17 days per trip.
Coverage includes:
Emergency hospital expenses
Ambulance and medical expenses
Emergency dental expenses
Trip delay insurance
Trip cancellation insurance
Baggage delay or loss insurance
看来,应该大致上有保障了吧。 了解了 狼上路了,好!
祝狼兄、狼嫂和狼娃们驿路快乐! 很好看。『洋葱头S88』 『洋葱头B45』追热帖 本帖最后由 魔人布欧 于 2011-6-24 10:57 编辑
杀破狼 发表于 2011-6-24 05:05 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif 狼果然不走寻常路,厉害,一路顺风,期待下文!