谢谢 孕妇落地就是免费的吧! 我也想问这个问题啊,有知道的朋友吗? 本帖最后由 solforever 于 2011-6-9 05:05 编辑
从health.gov.on.ca 上来看
Am I eligible for OHIP right away or do I have to wait?
There may be a three-month waiting period for your OHIP coverage.
Generally speaking, if you are a newcomer to Ontario, or a former resident returning here to live after being out of the country for more than seven months, the waiting period begins on the date you establish or re-establish residence in Ontario.You may also be required to be present in Ontario for 153 days of the first 183 days immediately following the date residence is established in Ontario (you cannot be absent for more than 30 days during the first 6 months of residence).
If you are an eligible resident moving to Ontario from another part of Canada, the health insurance of your former province/territory may cover you during the waiting period for OHIP coverage.
If you are not covered by another province/territory, it is important to buy private health insurance to cover you until your Ontario health insurance coverage becomes effective.
Certain groups are exempt from the three-month waiting period; contact INFOline at 1 800 268-1154 or visit your local ServiceOntario – Health Card Services – OHIP office to find out if you may be exempt from the 3-month waiting period.
一方面建议找保险公司询问下买保险,生病住院/手术费是很贵的。另一方面LZ也可以去当地的移民服务机构或ServiceOntario问一下,有听说过少量机构给无健康卡的新移民提供免费的看病. 有些社区医院会免费接诊孕妇。 是的生孩子不是问题 养孩子不是问题 教育孩子 有问题 现在生孩子对于我是个问题, 到底在国内生还是加国生, 纠结中 有啥问题? 要说问题,其实也就是怎么样把好处都占上的问题。 等你生了,你又说养也有问题。既然这么多问题,那就放弃移民吧。呆在国内多好,又有人照顾你老婆,你也不用辞职。 邻居家的两个儿女分别在三个月的时候都被送回了国内(他们在美国),打算5岁再带出去。移民了但不能看着自己的宝贝成长,自己带,生活压力会很大,纠结中啊