各位楼主,本人和爱枫叶有同样的疑惑,安大略省提名计划,雇主预审通过,2010年12月18日通过加国律师递交了被提名人申请,现在是不是在等提名证书?是不是也要等FN?这个过程需要多长时间? 这里都是技术移民的啊,很少有人省提名... 先等提名书。 3# Ruibin 我想了解要等多长时间,有没有期限? 3# Ruibin我想了解要等多长时间,有没有期限?jackwang1968 发表于 2011-4-27 21:32 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif你首先需要有省提名,然后才送联邦,2----6周会有FN
RE: 迷路了
有没有人可帮助我啊?怎么看不到回复了 3# Ruibin我想了解要等多长时间,有没有期限?jackwang1968 发表于 2011-4-27 05:32 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif可以到安省提名计划的官方网站查看总体进度的。 n 7# Ruibin [/b能否麻烦给我个链接,谢谢。 http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPQUESTIONS.html#_process
How long will it take Ontario to process my application?
Opportunities Ontario has two processing targets:
Complete employer application packages will be processed within 90 days, on a first-come-first-served basis.
Complete nominee application packages will be processed within 90 days, on a first-come-first-served basis.
How long will it take Citizenship and Immigration Canada to process Ontario Provincial Nominees for permanent resident status?
Nominees can expect to receive permanent residence from the federal government within 12 months. However, there may be delays depending on the visa post overseas, and the time required for background and health checks. Citizenship and Immigration Canada fast tracks provincial nominees through the selection process. However, security, criminality and health checks, must all be completed. These checks account for the bulk of the processing time for permanent resident visas at the visa post overseas. 我是等了整一年,10年3月提交申请,11年的3月才批下来,10年的9月补充一次材料 10# 爱枫叶 那我在没有得到消息前,还是要耐心等待的是吗?因为已超过3个月了,他们会不会发类此拒签这样的通知?因为在没消息前我不可能去处理许多其他事务的,挺烦人的。 谢谢9楼的朋友! 谢谢9楼的朋友!