本帖最后由 在海边 于 2011-4-20 03:39 编辑去年新移民第二次长登入境带了台新便携没申报就入关了(短登时没有进报关清单),下个月回国一趟,这机器能当旧电脑再次入多伦多海关么? 我这次从国内回来过关的时候,关员问我有没有带什么贵重物件的时候,多嘴说了句带着自用的notebook,她马上严肃地问我有没有申报,我告诉她实情,登陆的时候递交过报关清单,不过文件复印件放在托运的行李当中,如果她要看,得等我拿到行李之后再找给她。她看我不像在撒谎,就OK放行了。
根据这个个人经历,我觉得如果过关的时候真的被抽查到,如果没有以前的报关清单,是有可能被收税的;如果没被抽查到行李,只要不主动提起,应该问题不大。当然啦,被抽查到行李的机会是小的,祝好运!『呵呵』 去年新移民第二次长登入境带了台新便携没申报就入关了(短登时没有进报关清单),下个月回国一趟,这机器能当旧电脑再次入多伦多海关么?
在海边 发表于 2011-4-19 08:14 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
我觉得要想万无一失,可以在出境的时候,去登记一下。我记得在机场问过,有一个地方可以做这样的登记。这样回来就不怕被问到了。 Protecting your valuables
Before travelling outside Canada with valuable items, you may wish to take advantage of a free identification service that is available at all CBSA offices. This service is available for items that have serial numbers or other unique markings. For items that do not have such markings, the CBSA can apply a sticker to them so that they can be identified for customs purposes as goods that are legally in Canada.
When you show your valuables to a border services officer and state that you acquired them in Canada or lawfully imported them, the officer will list your valuables and their serial numbers on a wallet-sized card called a Form Y38, Identification of Articles for Temporary Exportation. If you are questioned about your goods when you return to Canada, show your card to the officer. This will help identify the valuables that were in your possession before leaving the country. 多伦多机场和温哥华都有CBSA的office:
http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/contact/listing/indexpages/index1307-e.html#d1307 话虽如此,我从来没有办过那个卡,也没贴过贴纸。:-)
稳妥起见,还是值得“麻烦”一下的。 回答的相当详细,实在感谢了。 我经历的情况跟楼主一样, 没申报,也没遇到麻烦, 出入都是在多伦多机场.