【求助】关于 汽车 保险证明
那位 移友 开了 汽车驾驶期间无保险理赔记录的证明我现在开证明的时候,保险公司不知道是怎么回事,我就按照网上的写了一个,自己做了一个抬头纸,现在我的问题是:
1、 抬头纸上出现的是 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司,还是 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司 XX分公司,要是前者,信纸的底下就没有地址(没有办法写了),要是后者信纸的底下地址要不要写
A中国人民财产保险股份有限公司 XX分公司 业务专用章
B中国人民财产保险股份有限公司 XX分公司 的印章
C中国人民财产保险股份有限公司 XX分公司 XX支公司
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that Mr. xxx(driver license no.xxxxx) carried vehicle insurance with China xxx Insurance Co. Ltd under policy no.xxxx.
The insurance policy above has been in effect from 1st of JAN xxx to 1st of JAN of xxx. During this period, the client named above has never lodged any claims in our company
The insurant Shang Huijiu has insured against vehicle in our company from March 6, 1995 to Sep-tember 6, 2000. The registration number of insured vehicle is 辽K10157. The policy of the insured vehicle is pdaa200021100401/00107. The kinds of insurance that Shang Huijiu took are the lost vehicle insurance, the blame for the third person insurance and the addition insurance.
During the above period the insurant has not gotten any records of claim for compensation on his insured vehicle.
People's Insurance Company of China
Liaoyhua Branch
September 16, 2000
谢谢! 怎么没有人顶 关心,帮你顶! 俺也关心这个问题, 难道没人知道吗?知道的快点回答吧. 真的没有人知道