Canadian Payroll Association每年一次的民情调查报告发现,59%的加拿大人,如果工资晚发一个星期,就会陷入财务困境。年轻人(18-35)的数字是65%!所以,加拿大移民局对新移民的存款要求,已经算很高的了,呵呵。
Almost 60 per cent of Canadians live paycheque to paycheque and say they'd be in financial difficulty if their paycheque were a week late.
A new survey from the Canadian Payroll Association released Monday showed some troubling signs about Canadians' personal finances.
The 59 per cent figure is the same rate as the one found in last year's survey. It is the second year that the agency has undertaken the payroll survey.
Almost half of respondents to a national survey said they are saving five per cent or less of their income. Financial planning experts generally recommend a retirement savings rate of about 10 per cent of net pay and hoard three months' worth of expenses in an emergency fund.
Although they don't appear to be having much success doing so, 60 per cent of respondents said they were trying to save more money than they used to. The remaining 40 per cent said they were not trying to save any money.
"The most significant result of Canadians continuing to live paycheque to paycheque is its impact on their concerns about personal finances and retirement," CPA chair Cindy Forget said.
Younger workers feel especially vulnerable, with 65 per cent of respondents aged 18 to 35 saying they would find it difficult to make ends meet if they missed a single paycheque.
More than two thirds (69 per cent) of respondents said it would be difficult to find comparable employment with a similar salary if they lost their job.
For the survey, the agency interviewed 2,766 Canadian employees across the country. The survey is considered to be accurate within 1.86 per cent, 19 times out of 20.
It was taken between June of 2009 and July of 2010.
CPA chair Cindy Forget
别人如果尊称她,就是Ms. Forget? 『Oh-My-God!』真是国情和文化不同哈! 『呵呵』『支持』 我老公姐姐姐夫年收入10多万,连1万存款都没有,都花了,东西买的快把房子挤满了. 加拿大人民每天都在享受生活,怕有一天挂了钱还没花完就亏大发了!:-D 真正的月光文化呀。『洋葱头S82』 Susanna 以前不是说过吗,政府发失业金多发了一期,后来发现错误,要扣回,结果还不敢一次过扣回来,得分好多个月一点点地扣。。。估计一次过扣掉,会出人命。。。 $-)国内普通老百姓也差不多吧;只不过大家都有点预防性的储蓄而已;但有个天灾人祸也是扛不住.... 移民去了是不大适应。中国人还是比较保守,不过我看现在80后和90后的就不一样。 Canadian Payroll Association每年一次的民情调查报告发现,59%的加拿大人,如果工资晚发一个星期,就会陷入财务困境。年轻人(18-35)的数字是65%!所以,加拿大移民局对新移民的存款要求,已经算很高的了,呵呵 ...
FCH 发表于 2010-9-14 04:51 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
虽然国内的课本把鲁迅拿下,但老Q的精神在脑海里永存。:-D 刚来的头两个月一个人,没什么花钱的地方,工资帐户上攒了两个paycheque的钱,银行的客户经理就赶紧给我打电话,说你帐上怎么那么多现金了?要不要买点GIC?:-D
HSBC那个卓越理财帐户在加拿大也降低要求了,十万刀就能开户了。就这样估计也没几个加拿大人会开这个户。 欠债的人多(房贷,信用卡。。。),有些人挣钱虽然可能容易些,可一部分让政府收税了,还有一部分还债了,要是再不节约点,也确实没余粮了。
估计美国人的数字更高一些。 欠债的人多(房贷,信用卡。。。),有些人挣钱虽然可能容易些,可一部分让政府收税了,还有一部分还债了,要是再不节约点,也确实没余粮了。
估计美国人的数字更高一些。 ...
FCH 发表于 2010-9-14 12:27 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
根据这里的数字:http://www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/stories/2010/09/06/daily2.html,3/4的美国人live paycheck by paycheck,这个数字比金融危机前高很多,怪不得被银行回收的房子那么多。 弱弱地问下:12楼的paycheque和14楼的paycheck分别是什么意思?