这个问题有人提过,不过没有得到确定无疑的回答,所以再次烦劳诸位,按照北京不了要求:All required documents must be photocopies of the original documents, unless otherwise indicated in the list below and must be of excellent quality or they will not be considered. The Visa Officer may request the original of any photocopied document submitted.
5.1 The principal applicant must provide conclusive proof of his/her level of proficiency in English and/or French. In order to do this, he/she may take a language test or provide other written proof of his/her abilities.
We strongly recommend that you take a language test from an approved organization.
For more information
雅思成绩单应该是复印件吧,但据我观察,多数移友都是交的“原件”,要知道“原件”只有一份,丢了可怎么办啊?主要是人家要的是复印件,我们为什么要给原件呢?有这个必要性么? 本帖最后由 HOPE2010 于 2010-4-1 21:26 编辑
大部分TX交的都是原件,我确实看到过1个TX交复印件,也没有问题。不过,我个人认为,交“原件”比较稳妥,因为使馆说有人对雅思成绩作假。 2# HOPE2010
谢谢,您的回复总是很让人安心。 我也交的事原件,不知道如果原件使馆弄丢的话是不是可以让雅思官方再直接给使馆邮寄一份,因为再邮寄给个人是不行的 既然官方是这么写,楼主大可以试试去交photocopy的,最多就是被要求补交原件和耽误点时间而已,呵呵! 这个问题有人提过,不过没有得到确定无疑的回答,所以再次烦劳诸位,按照北京不了要求:
All required documents must be photocopies of the original documents, unless otherwise indicated in the list below and must be of excellent quality or they will not be considered. The Visa Officer may request the original of any photocopied document submitted.
5.1 The principal applicant must provide conclusive proof of his/her level of proficiency in English and/or French. In order to do this, he/she may take a language test or provide other written proof of his/her abilities.
We strongly recommend that you take a language test from an approved organization.
For more information
erwinwin 发表于 2010-4-1 05:23 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif我也交的事原件,不知道如果原件使馆弄丢的话是不是可以让雅思官方再直接给使馆邮寄一份,因为再邮寄给个人是不行的
bingo0126 发表于 2010-4-1 18:08 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif贴一段cic官网对语言成绩寄送的要求:
You must
[*]Make arrangements for testing by a CIC-designated agency. You will have to pay the costs.[*]Include the results of your test with your immigration application.
Do not request that your language test result be sent directly to the visa office. Submit your original test result with your complete application.
来源: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/language-testing.asp 北京签证处在补料总要求处说除具体要求外,所有文件提供复印件,而雅思成绩交什么件没有提具体要求,只是链接到了cic官网让大家参照官网要求,但cic官网提到语言成绩是要寄原件(看上面6楼贴出的内容);
不过所谓此一时彼一时,不同时间不同案子的审理尺度也有差异,如果某官觉得不接受雅思复印件,那可能会发出重新补原件的要求,案子进程也会受阻,所以递复印件也就有这样的小风险,而递原件就没有。 再啰嗦一句,以上只是针对补料北京的讨论;
如果是补料香港,香港方面是要求递交雅思成绩原件的,并强调复印件不被接受。 『支持』 再啰嗦一句,以上只是针对补料北京的讨论;
Ruibin 发表于 2010-4-12 04:11 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif