出生证明提交原件即可,可以从政府合署开此项证明,无需公证直接提交 我找到了官方网站的说明
If you live in Hong Kong
You should apply for a Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) in person. You will be required to provide:
•your Hong Kong identity card or valid travel document
•the original letter from the Canadian Consulate General requesting the certificate;
•the original and a photocopy of the documents proving your relationship with the Principal Applicant for the visa application if the letter from the Canadian Consulate General does not contain your name (for dependents of the Principal Applicant only); and
•the processing fees of 180$HK (Fees are subject to change)
Fingerprints will be taken at the time of application. Application forms and instructions can be downloaded from www.info.gov.hk/police/hkp-home/english/forms/cncc/cncc-notes.htm and should be submitted to:
Certificate of No Criminal Conviction Office
14/F, Arsenal House
Police Headquarters
1 Arsenal Street
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 2860 6557
Fax: (852) 2200 4321
E-mail enquiries: eo-cncc-ib@police.gov.hk
Website: www.info.gov.hk/police/hkp-home/english/forms/cncc/cncc-notes.htm