zhangyl 发表于 2009-11-19 20:29:53

英 语 交 谈 话 题zt

1、Are you enthusiastic about philanthropy? 对慈善事业的热情

2 、How to control anger? 如何控制愤怒

3 、Ways of body-buildup 健身方法

4 、About job-searching 寻找工作

5 、To make a reservation in a restaurant 饭店预定

6 、How to avoid bad employers? 如何避免差的的雇主?


8 、To talk about your hometown 谈论你的家乡

9、 Do you know yourself well? 你了解自己吗?

10 、The culture of tea 茶文化

11、 To order at a restaurant 饭店点餐

12、 Have you ever come across “sexual harassment”? 遇到过性骚扰吗?

13 、How to start a conversation? 如何展开话题?

14、 Part-time jobs 兼职工作

15 、At an amusement park 在游乐场

16 、To apply a credit card 申请信用卡

17、 How to manage money wisely? 如何管理金钱?

18、 How to spend the spring festival? 怎么过春节

19、 Self-introduction自我介绍

20 、Attitudes toward office romance 办公室恋情

21 、To make a price offer 报价

22 、To choose cloth 选择衣服

23 、To talk about blog 谈论博客

24、 How to write a thank-you letter? 如何写感谢信

25 、How to ask for directions 如何问路

26 、What have you learned from your parents? 从父母那里学到了什么?

27 、The rise of MySpace 个人空间的兴起

28 、Under working circumstances, do you always do what you are reluctant to do?


29 、To make a reservation in a hotel 酒店预订房间

30 、To purchase a computer 购买计算机

zhangyl 发表于 2009-11-19 20:30:14

31、 How to dress for a successful interview? 如何着装,面试成功率更高?

32、 To transact a gym card 办理健身卡

33 、Trendy Shanghai 时尚的上海

34、 Matters needing attention when exchanging gifts in business occasions

35、 Has human relationship ever been a problem to you?

36、 To talk about Peking Opera 谈论京剧

37、 How to ask for leave? 如何请假

38、 To request a wake-up call service 需要叫醒服务

39、 Would you like to watch movies in cinema or at home?在家还是在电影院看电影?

40、 How to rent a house 租房

41、 Promotional activities 推广活动

42、 Modern Olympic Games 现代奥林匹克运动

43、 Do you make friends for the right reasons? 能交到好朋友的几大原因

44、 How to ensure employers can find you? 如何让用人单位发现你

45、 How to make Yuan Xiao 如何做元宵

46、 How to evaluate a job offer? 入职通知,接受还是不接受

47、 Talk about your favorite movie 谈论你最喜欢的电影

48、 Invention Of the Year: The iPhone 年度发明

49 To go fishing 钓鱼

50、 To call to a moving company 打电话给搬家公司

51、 How to participate in a job fair? 如何参加招聘会?

52、 Shopping online 网上购物

53、 Your attitudes toward news 关注新闻吗?

54、 Lost and found 失物招领

55、 To make an appointment 如何电话订约会

56、 Help your children make career choices? 帮助你的孩子选择职业

57、 How to negotiate salary? 如何谈判薪资?

58、 Attitudes toward recreational TV programs 电视娱乐节目

59、 To describe a person you admire 描述你敬仰的人

60、 Family conflict 家庭矛盾

zhangyl 发表于 2009-11-19 20:30:42

62 、International business etiquette 国际商务礼节

63、 To visit the Palace Museum 参观故宫

64、 Types of job interviews 不同类型的工作面试

65、 To go to see a doctor 看病

66、 If you found your significant others cheated on you, what would you do?如果发现另一半背叛了你,你会怎么办?

67、 To have an interview 面试

68、 Are you willing to raise pets at home? 愿意养宠物吗?

69、 To cook 做饭

70、 To talk about your favorite sports 谈论你最喜爱的运动

71、 Some typical questions in the job interview 面试时的典型问题

72、 If you had a quarrel with your friend, would you take the initiative to talk to him or her first?如果和朋友发生了口角,你会先讲和吗?

73、 At the post office 在邮局

74、 Enjoy being singles 享受单身

75、 To meet or see off at the airport 在机场接送

76、 Interest VS salary, which is more important?兴趣与薪水,那个更重要?

77、 Lantern Festival 元宵节

78、 How do mass media shape public opinions? 媒体的导向作用

79、 Dumplings饺子

80、 About pop music 流行音乐

81、 The first lesson you want your kid to learn 你想让孩子上的人生第一课?

82、 How to avoid being late for work? 如何避免上班迟到?

83、 If you have a chance, what kind of contribution would you like to do to the 29th Olympics?你会为29届奥运会做什么?

84、 What has the internet brought to us? 互联网带给我们什么?

85、 To talk about Beijing 2008 Olympic Games 谈论2008北京奥运会

86、 What to note in meetings? 会议中记录什么

87、 To decorate your house 装修

89、 How do you define 'success'? “成功”的定义

90、 Will you follow what other people do? 你会人云亦云吗?

91、 How to manage money wisely? 如何管理金钱?

zhangyl 发表于 2009-11-19 20:31:06

本帖最后由 zhangyl 于 2009-11-22 10:04 编辑

92、 At a barbershop 在理发馆

93、 How to make Yuan Xiao 如何做元宵

94、 Do you think animals have emotions? 你认为动物也有情感吗?

95、 Leaving messages 留言

96、 About the group interview 集体面试

97、 To go to see a doctor 看病

98、 Do you have a personal blog? 你有个人博客吗?

99、 Do you prefer to purchase or to rent a house in such developed cities as Beijing and Shanghai?


100、 Handling withdrawals in a bank 在银行取钱

101、 To Visit a sick friend 探视生病的朋友

102、 Have you ever made a serious mistake in your work?


103、 What have you prepared before an interview? 面试前你都作了什么样的准备?

104、 Complaint phone 投诉电话

105、 Different s of education 多种教育制度

106、 At the post office 在邮局

107、 What can we benefit from time-managing ability?


108、 Holiday DIY 自助旅行

109、 What to do for team building? 团队建设

110、 To communicate with colleagues 与同事沟通

112、 Lessons to teach your children about money 关于金钱,孩子应该了解什%

未飘落的雪 发表于 2009-11-22 01:19:21


一些重复了,比如92和111、At a barbershop 在理发馆

白雪 发表于 2009-11-22 07:10:26


白雪 发表于 2009-11-22 07:10:28


zhangyl 发表于 2009-11-22 10:05:18


一些重复了,比如92和111、At a barbershop 在理发馆
未飘落的雪 发表于 2009-11-22 01:19 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif


飄逸的花瓣 发表于 2009-11-23 03:08:13

Good job!!! You are good at both English and Chinese, host.

未飘落的雪 发表于 2009-11-25 00:30:52

zhangyl 发表于 2009-11-22 10:05 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif博士很认真『佩服』
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