如题我已经在8月30号通过电子邮件申请撤案,而且即刻收到领事馆的自动回复。但是这么长时间过去了,在网上查看自己的状态,一点变化都没有。现在很担心会因为撤案拖拖拉拉影响新申请的审批。不知哪位大虾有这方面的经验,请不吝赐教,『谢谢』 奇怪,我发的撤案邮件香港为什么不回信确认呢?你是发到哪个邮箱的? 我用的 kong 本帖最后由 huanqiuheding 于 2009-9-19 12:04 编辑
just now I sent another withdrawl application to, hoping it could work this time. Perhaps last time I wrongly choose the mail box. Following is the content of the automatically generated letter:
-----Original Message to HKONG (IMMIGRATION)/Message d'origine à HKONG
This is an automatically generated message
This will acknowledge receipt of your email to the Hong Kong visa office.
For more information about CIC, please visit CIC site at
Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email
communication with CIC and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email
address provided by you for communication with you including the
transmission of personal information on your file/case.
Have you ever got some feedback from the consulate since you applied for the withdrawl? I mean, if there is any change with your on-line status? Many thanks! 比较满