中国人大多数都是团员,很多都参加过学生会,那这些在表1里面的组织一栏要怎么填啊?要不要算啊?我都不记得什么时候入的团,夜不知道现在还算不算团员,团员证早就不见了,吐血 很多申请人这项都不填写,你想想吧。 你这回答很有水平啊,呵呵,偷偷问一下,你这栏有填任何东西么? 我跟你的情况一样,什么时候入的团根本就记不起来了。这项我没填写。 恩,楼主的贴让我突然想起很久以前曾加入过少先队, VO is not interested in these tiny issues, leave them blank, it's good for both you and VO. 但现在好像规定不能留空白,不能写“not applicable", 而要写“I have never been a member of an organization or association".(见官网的guide)这好像就太严肃了点。——其实我觉得VO 关心的也不是GCD的问题。 VO is not interested in these tiny issues, leave them blank, it's good for both you and VO.
Ruibin 发表于 2009-9-3 04:08 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
VO是什么东西 签证官 visa officer 8# vicylee VO is not interested in these tiny issues, leave them blank, it's good for both you and VO.
Ruibin 发表于 2009-9-3 04:08 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
应该没有关系吧? 他不会要求我出示团员证/少先队员证吧?