Dear XXX
This confirms receipt of your communication dated 19-Feb-2009, withdrawing your application for permanent residence to Canada.As requested, your application has been withdrawn and is now closed.No further action will be taken.
You are eligible for a refund of the processing fees.
Note that refund transactions are only done by way of direct bank transfer to a bank account in China. Refund cannot be sent to a bank outside of China.
Should you wish to immigrate to Canada in the future, please submit a new application and the appropriate processing fees.Your future application will be assessed in accordance with the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations in force at that time.For more information please refer to our website www.beijing.gc.ca
Thank you for your interest in Canada.
Visa and Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Beijing
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, PRC 100600
Fax: (86-10) 5139-4449
Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca
E-mail: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
mm,安慰一记,你是不在38项之内么? 回楼上的,确实不在啊!:-( 想过投资移民吗?虽然我知道不是每个人都有那个投资能力。 终于在7月23日收到了退款。