下周准备往加拿大的悉尼投递移民申请文件了,现将文件清单列出,请各位审查,如有遗漏,请尽快告知1、各类表格,包括(1)imm008-genenic(主申请人填写);(2)imm-008 schedule1(主申请人和老婆均各自填写一份)(3)imm-008 schedule 3(主申请人填写);
(4)imm 5406(主申请人和老婆均各自填写一份)
4、主申请人身份证复印件(both sides)
6、地址标签(中英文) 很全,可以寄了:) 官方没说要身份证。EG7(20页)。不过我也邮寄了身份证复印件(没翻译)。补充:找到出处了。应该寄。在EG7的第28页关于Generic表第19题的说明:
Write your identification card number if applicable.
Identification cards are cards issued by a national, provincial, municipal or other government, or by a recognized international agency such as the Red Cross as a means of identification. If you have such a card, print the number in the space provided. Photocopy both sides of the card and attach the photocopy to your application. If you do not have an identity card, print “N/A”.
38NOC以内不要雅思成绩。出处:EG7(2008年11月版第9页)Applicants who are using Category 1 should not submit their test results or written submission to Centralized Intake Unit (CIU) in Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada. The test results or written submission will be requested at a later stage if the application is recommended for further processing by a Canadian Visa Office.
Note: Do not send other supporting documents. Wait until you receive correspondence from the CIU in Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada
[ 本帖最后由 westwolf11 于 2009-3-10 20:18 编辑 ] 我也是按这个清单寄的。请问你的汇票是按照手册规定的钱寄的,还是超出点寄的啊。听说说不定还会有手续费。 糟了,我没有复印身份证,会不会被退回来呢? 学习了 顶一下 加拿大移民投递资料是寄到悉尼吗?疑惑中。。。 8# 叶子1976
初审表是邮寄到那里的。 『大汗』实在是不好意思啊,学习了