请问多伦多读护士哪个college 从质量,学费等方面比较适中? 我也想知道,是否到时候也去读个护士. 好像护理还容易点,护士可就麻烦多了。你要是护士,美国直接发绿卡 Post by violet
请问多伦多读护士哪个college 从质量,学费等方面比较适中?
Since its founding in 1958, The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences has distinguished itself as one of Canada's top post-secondary educational institutions in the field of applied health sciences. It combines theory, laboratory practice and clinical education, producing health care professionals who are exceptional, adaptable and competent in meeting the changing demands of health care delivery and patient care for all Canadians today.
First known as the Toronto Institute of Medical Technology, the name was changed in 1990 to The Michener Institute, in honour of the late governor-general, Roland Michener who exemplified a tradition of excellence, service, respect for the individual, and the promotion of health and "freedom with order" - his personal motto.
Throughout its history as Canada's only post-secondary institution devoted specifically to health science education, The Michener Institute has provided a rich and dynamic learning environment for more than 85,000 health care professionals who have treated millions of patients. Our graduates are a vital part of the Canadian health care sector and work daily in such important fields as radiation therapy, medical laboratory science, nuclear medicine technology, respiratory therapy and medical resonance imaging (MRI) to name just a few.
Michener Institute currently serves more than 800 full-time and 4,000 part time and continuing education students in more than 30 academic programs, 18 of which are unique in Ontario and nine of which are unique in Canada. These programs are further enriched through a variety of successful public and private sector partnerships in Canada and overseas.
The Michener Institute is committed to meeting the challenge of current and future human resource development needs of an ever-resource strained Canadian health care system. Michener's small class sizes, dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art technology, emphasis on hands-on clinical education and the quality of our curriculum results in a consistently high demand for Michener graduates. Since 2000, most of Michener's programs have maintained a 100% graduate employment rate, with many of our students receiving up to five job offers before they graduate thank u very much:-)r in Toronto too? 学习护士好像非常好找工作!但是建议还是在那边学习!这样的话,可以拿到执照! Post by crown_yang
谢你,我现在已在Toronto one month。 Post by violet
thank u very much:-)r in Toronto too?
联系吧,也许我们也学个护士去。 GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE
http://www.gbrownc.on.ca/ 不要想美事了,让学还说啥.要有相关的学历,相关的经验,还有相当难的考试.不敢想这等好事.望有人驳我,我也好想学. Post by crown_yang
『惊讶』『奇怪』『惊讶』『奇怪』 不会吧!我有一个俄罗斯的朋友。来这读了个护士执照。(原来在国内就是多年的护士了!)到现在2年了都没找到工作呀! 『奇怪』『奇怪』 好象护士没那么好找吧! 『吼吼』『吼吼』 Post by patricklzy
『惊讶』 『奇怪』 『惊讶』 『奇怪』 不会吧!我有一个俄罗斯的朋友。来这读了个护士执照。(原来在国内就是多年的护士了!)到现在2年了都没找到工作呀! 『奇怪』 『奇怪』 好象护士没那么好找吧! 『吼吼』 『吼吼』
可能每个人了解的情况不一样,我认识的人华人中,只要有RN和RPN执照的,全都找到了工作。 请问护士是否给病人换尿布,翻身之类的? You can find all the information you need here:
General info: http://www.cna-nurses.ca/CNA/default_e.aspx
Schools with nursing program: http://extranet.cna-aiic.ca/nursingpgms/public_browse.asp Post by violet
在医院里面是,在养老院里面不是。 请问:我现在有大陆执业护士资格。但英语不好,去加拿大除了学英语,护理方面还学什么,多少时间。护士工资多少?好不好找工作?想长登!!!甲声望 Post by kdh1963
1. 如果你最近5年仍然是做护士工作,在加拿大需要由护士协会做评估和读一个refresh课程。评估的要求看看这个网站里有没有:www.rnao.org,这是Ontario的护士协会网站,每个省要求不一样。评估完后才能到College去读有关的refresh课程。完后再注册考试。如果要想注册RN(注册护士),2005年开始要求要本科水平,即根据自己的不同学历要读refresh课程或读本科课程。其实可以先计划注册RPN,这样就不致于去读本科,花太长时间。在去年之前,大专都可以注册RN。
2. 在这里华人做RN的工资在这个范围:CND$25/h -- CND$34/h。
3. RN最好找工作,RPN也好找工作,就是工资低些。 上面有错,应该是近期5年没有做护士工作的情况。如果近期5年有做护士,加上英文好,可只作评估和考托福,如果评估过关,不用去refresh,就可参加注册考试。 好了!