Dear Sir,
Your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker Class was received in Hong Kong Office on 28 April 2008. Your application has since been transferred to the Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada for assessment.
As you may be aware, changes were made to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act which affect applications submitted on or after February 27, 2008. Since your application was received on or after this date, you application is subject to these amendments.
Section 87.3(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act stipulates that
The processing of applications and requests is to be conducted in a manner that, in the opinion of the Minister, will best support the attainment of the immigration goals established by the Government of Canada.
Section 87.3(3) further states that
For the purposes of subsection (2), the Minister may give instructions with respect to the processing of applications and requests, including instructions
(a) establishing categories of applications or requests to which the instructions apply;
(b) establishing an order, by category or otherwise, for the processing of applications or requests;
(c) setting the number of applications or requests, by category or otherwise, to be processed in any year; and
(d) providing for the disposition of applications and requests, including those made subsequent to the first application or request.
Pursuant to the above sections, the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism has issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on November 28, 2008. These instructions specify that only applicants who have an Arranged Employment Offer, who are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student, or who have work experience in the listed occupations are eligible to be processed in the Federal Skilled Worker class.
You have not indicated in you application that you have an Arranged Employment Offer or that you are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student. Your application has therefore been assessed on the basis of whether you have work experience in the list of occupations eligible for processing. These occupations are identified by codes and described in the National Occupational Classification (NOC). You may access the list of eligible occupations at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp#list
You have indicated that you have work experience in occupations with the following NOC codes:******. Your occupations do not correspond to any of the occupations specified in the instructions. As your occupations are not included on the list of eligible occupations, we are unable to process your application at this time.
The fees that you have paid are refundable. You will receive a cheque within a few weeks.
There are many ways to immigrate to Canada. Although you have not satisfied the requirements to apply under the Federal Skilled Worker Class, you may qualify under another category. To learn more about your options, visit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/index.asp
Thank you for your interest in Canada.
Arlene Ferguson
Service Delivery Specialist
Immigration Section
Case Processing Centre
Sydney, Nova Scotia
[ 本帖最后由 Full_House 于 2009-3-3 09:49 编辑 ] 不过也有个奇怪的事情,退档信右上角贴的FN号码和之前我收到的Provisional FN号码不一样*-) 请问个问题:你在网上的查询状态变化了吗 我是08-3HK签收的,9月的FN,不在38内,但是我在网页上查询,到现在一直还是In Process :We started processing your application on September 29, 2008.
像你这样的信件我还没有收到,平信的话我担心丢了$-) 。你的在线状态有什么变化吗*-) 重新开始! 之前用临时FN一直都没办法查到状态,刚才用退档信上的FN查了一下,不出所料,状态是Decision Made。
感叹一下,这次的效率可是非常得高! 原帖由 Full_House 于 2009-3-3 11:44 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
之前用临时FN一直都没办法查到状态,刚才用退档信上的FN查了一下,不出所料,状态是Decision Made。
不知他们是按什么顺序处理的啊。论签收偶比你早,但是现在没有变化。等的很着急,很无奈 浪费青春一年,安慰一下。
这叫及时止损。 但是现在还迟迟没有给偶 Decision Made,:-( 『收到』 是不幸也是幸运,生活从此翻过去一页。。。 条条大路通罗马,还会有更好的办法,我上个月被美领馆据签时也很沮丧,但是现在还不是一样过日子,楼主保重 原帖由 飞绢 于 2009-3-3 17:49 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
『收到』 是不幸也是幸运,生活从此翻过去一页。。。
是的,生活还要继续,心里有梦,就要一直前行! 原帖由 mangolee 于 2009-3-3 18:36 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
是啊,有梦就有方向 原帖由 chinaleaf 于 2009-3-3 10:27 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
我是08-3HK签收的,9月的FN,不在38内,但是我在网页上查询,到现在一直还是In Process :We started processing your application on September 29, 2008.
我也一样,还发邮件要求撤销申请,都一直没有回复 我猜,可能与各自的VO不同有关吧?8-) 我的VO是KTA。你们的呢?*-) 『慰问』 不过也不错,可以重新做计划了 谢谢分享,楼主只要在想其他办法移民了。
其实如果是227之后的话,又不在38之内,被拒似乎是意料之中啦. 不要气馁,赶快转到澳大利亚吧,乘还来得及. 不然,拖到后面,年龄也超过,出国梦就完啦. 或许可以考虑先去加国念一年书什么的,如果经济许可的话。然后在加国提出申请...反正移民过去也要花生活费的。