今天收到使馆来信,要求提供完整资料,120天内,雅思还没复习哪。来得太快了! 『恭喜』 You have 120 days from the date of this letter to prepare and submit these forms and supporting documentation.If your full application is not received within this time, we will assume you are no longer interested and close your file.Documents must be submitted in a SINGLE package. Do not submit any documents until you have prepared the entire package. We will make a decision on your application on the basis of the documents you provide at that time.只有120天的时间! 原帖由 lotusleaf 于 2009-1-8 10:37 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
You have 120 days from the date of this letter to prepare and submit these forms and supporting documentation.If your full application is not received within this time, we will assume you are no lon ...
恭喜楼主,你是2008年8月的北京的FN?是紧缺list吗?为何这么快?谢谢。 北京的已经有9月2号的进入S2了! 香港的还没动静哦:-@ :-@ 『恭喜』 是紧缺。08年8月的FN. 那谁说过,论坛里你最幸福了。『崇拜』 好快啊 楼主填的是什么职业? 恭喜!!! 恭喜楼主,快考雅思吧 原帖由 ableman 于 2009-1-8 15:36 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
好快啊 楼主填的是什么职业? 恭喜!!! 职业学院老师。 『恭喜』 ! 我也是8月的fn啊,也是紧缺列表中的,看来也就快了,先恭喜楼主了!
我的也是职业学院老师,NOC是4131,但那时递的是HK,是12月的FN,看来应该也快了。楼主应该是BJ的吧? 荷叶,就随便问一下,你收到的信是纸版的还是电子邮件啊。。。。 电子邮件。 『恭喜』