josielee 发表于 2008-10-1 12:51:41



josielee 发表于 2008-10-1 19:41:51

我担心的是main duties , 从以下摘录的.这样可否

6221 Technical Sales Specialists – Wholesale Trade
technical sales specialist, exports
technical sales specialist, imports
Main duties
Technical sales specialists perform some or all of the following duties:
Promote sales to existing clients
Identify and solicit potential clients
Assess clients' needs and resources and recommend the appropriate goods or services
Provide input into product design where goods or services must be tailored to suit clients' needs
Develop reports and proposals as part of sales presentation to illustrate benefits from use of good or service
Estimate costs of installing and maintaining equipment or service
Prepare and administer sales contracts
Consult with clients after sale to resolve problems and to provide ongoing support
Troubleshoot technical problems related to equipment
May train customers' staff in the operation and maintenance of equipment
May conduct sales transactions through Internet-based electronic commerce
May supervise the activities of other technical sales specialists.
Technical sales specialists usually specialize in a particular line of goods or services.

William 发表于 2008-10-1 21:15:29

main duties 不用过多担心,只要和NOC里面差不太多就行,关键是将来的推荐信和自荐信。


josielee 发表于 2008-10-1 21:44:58

谢谢热心的帮助,"只要把那四行填充就行" ??? 我一对应地填满了, 我已超过10年工作,多了也没用,还麻烦,所以就选了最近七,八年的.应该可以的?

William 发表于 2008-10-1 22:51:28


josielee 发表于 2008-10-2 09:53:21

再往前就要追溯到老家那边, 因我2000年从吉林到上海,吉林的单位是国营单位,我走的时候,正在改制, 现在已不知什么样子了,老同志各奔东西,领导也换了. 而且,到国营单位办事盖个正常章也不知要找多少人,请多少饭局,我怕.

josielee 发表于 2008-10-3 10:33:57

ding ding wait ing warmheard man

Ruibin 发表于 2008-10-5 11:44:58


23 项的第二官方语言选 French,不能留空;

27 项副申请能不能用法语沟通,要选NO,不能留空;

26 项——

其次,中国的外贸一般是进口/出口兼做的,而加拿大NOC把它们分开title列出,这个差别你不用理会,移民官也了解的;所以你不需要将你的经历分为import和export两段,它们属于同一个代码,你直接写im/export sales specialist,再把两者的main duty糅合一下,还有将你过去10年合并一个职位经历就行了。

josielee 发表于 2008-10-5 13:21:59


ruibin这么耐心周到的指教,我真是感激不已.对于我这只菜鸟, 迈着蹒跚的脚步走在通往移民国的桥上,在我无助的时候, 有充满力量和温暖的手伸过来, 真的感到无比幸福. 真是久旱逢甘露 , 雪中送炭!   再次感谢,迈出第一步,坚实的第一步, 真的不容易. 我好笨. 但不抛弃不放弃.努力努力再努力.

还有个问题:imp and exp mian duties 合并一起,那工作的时间也要并在一起了?
2. 确认一下我从5月辞职到现在,这段时间在表格里就不写了.以后说明学习.
3. 我的main duties 从noc 摘抄的可以吗, 有没有照抄之嫌?   
不好意思这么麻烦, 可能职业病, 挑单据瑕疵习惯了.

Ruibin 发表于 2008-10-6 15:59:42

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