要交两份钱的,且总有撞车的那一天....还是一心一意的攻一个目标比较好。:-D 同意安迪~~~ 理论上可以,但是最后魁省的还是要交到联邦进行medical, security check的,况且这样会不会让移民官感到困惑阿 原帖由 wangtt8251 于 2008-7-9 22:18 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif在别的论坛上看到两者可以同时申请的?真的吗?
Dear Sir/Madam,
You cannot be both a federal AND a Quebec applicant.
The Quebec government and the Government of Canada have an agreement that allows Quebec to select immigrants who best meet its immigration needs.Under the Canada-Quebec Accord on Immigration, Quebec is able to establish its own immigration requirements and select immigrants who will adapt well to living in Quebec.
To come to Canada as a Quebec applicant, you must first apply to the Quebec government for a Certificat de selection du Québec.For details, please contact the Quebec government directly http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca
Thank you.
Immigration Section
Consulate General of Canada, Hong Kong
12/F., Tower 1
Exchange Square
8 Connaught Place
Hong Kong
Web Site: http://www.hongkong.gc.ca
email: hkong-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca
不可以,要么撤联邦,再递魁北克,2条船都踏不是光多出钱那么简单的,要谨慎 恩,谨遵教诲 最后会竹篮打水一场空. 一想到魁北克那么快,我就泪奔~~『洋葱头S64』 原帖由 枫叶在飞 于 2008-7-10 16:47 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
Dear Sir/Madam,
You cannot be both a federal AND a Quebec applicant.
The Quebec government and the Government of Canada have an agreement that allows Quebec to s ...