请教下mian duties
我是一位药剂师The prescription examines and dispenses
Use the medicine consultation and informations
The evaluation of the drugs curative effect
Cure the monitor of the medicine
Guide reasonable use medicine
[ 本帖最后由 huangjianqiang 于 2008-7-7 13:01 编辑 ] 参考National Occupation of Canada。
不能自己乱写的。有几句话英文不是很通顺。 很感激高人指点,确是不太会,以下这样写行吗
Check prescriptions for proper dosage
Dispense prescribed pharmaceuticals to
customers and advise them on indications,
contra-indications, adverse effects, drug
interactions and dosage
若不行,请指点,万分其代回复 Community pharmacists and hospital pharmacists perform some or all of the following duties:
Check prescriptions for proper dosage
Compound prescribed pharmaceutical products by calculating, measuring and mixing the quantities of drugs and other ingredients required and filling appropriate containers with correct quantity
Dispense prescribed pharmaceuticals to customers or to other health care professionals and advise them on indications, contra-indications, adverse effects, drug interactions and dosage
Maintain medication profiles of customers including registry of poisons and narcotic and controlled drugs
Ensure proper preparation, packaging, distribution and storage of vaccines, serums, biologicals and other drugs and pharmaceuticals
Order and maintain stock of pharmaceutical supplies
Advise customers on selection and use of non-prescription medication
May supervise and co-ordinate the activities of other pharmacists, pharmacy assistants, pharmacy technicians and other staff.
Industrial pharmacists perform some or all of the following duties:
Participate in basic research for the development of new drugs
Formulate new drug products developed by medical researchers
Test new drug products for stability and to determine their absorption and elimination patterns
Co-ordinate clinical investigations of new drugs
Control the quality of drug products during production to ensure that they meet standards of potency, purity, uniformity, stability and safety
Develop information materials concerning the uses, properties and risks of particular drugs
Evaluate labelling, packaging and advertising of drug products
Promote pharmaceutical products to health professionals. 对比一下,差不多了。 谢谢你的热心,希望以后能与你多交流,也愿你一切顺利
我可以用我后来写的mian duties填表了吗
因为我只是从中去择抄,好象没有完全能描述我整个hospital pharmacists ,由于不知道怎去缩写,所以只挑了两句
[ 本帖最后由 huangjianqiang 于 2008-7-8 07:20 编辑 ] 原帖由 huangjianqiang 于 2008-7-8 07:10 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
我可以用我后来写的mian duties填表了吗
因为我只是从中去择抄,好象没有完全能描述我整个hospital pharmacists ,由于不知道怎去缩写,所以 ...
没能够完全描述,你在医院是做什么的呢?跟上述描述有啥对不上的呢? 只要也是药房配药发药工作,其他那描述中的我有时我也会做到,如有是也会发麻醉药品,和带实习生等,如果你觉得我后来写的还可以,我就用来填表拉,麻烦了 还有想问下用信用卡交款,只凭那卡号加签名就行了吗,我问银行说不可能,不太懂,具体点应是怎做 移民局对工作经历的要求,有其中一点 “award points only if the applicant has performed the actions described in the lead statement
of the particular NOC description and has performed at least a substantial number of the duties described in the “Main Duties” summary – including all the essential duties“,所以楼主只要把你选的NOC的lead statement 和main duities里面的关键动词和专业名词,用上,再根据自己的具体情况加以个性化,就可以了。还要注意要和reference letter上对应上。 说来话长,晚上回家以后再仔细比对比对。
白天报告太长,还得写 好的,期待你的回复:-D 谢谢A.M,多多指教 Check prescriptions for proper dosage这个不用说了,你也写上了。
Compound prescribed pharmaceutical products by calculating, measuring and mixing the quantities of drugs and other ingredients required and filling appropriate containers with correct quantity。根据医生的药方,通过计算、称量和混合为病人,咋样,具体我也翻译不出来,大概就是像好多中医药局的一样,给病人抓药,配药,甚至还有给煎药的这种工作。相信西医也没有。如果有些医院有自己独家特药的,有了也可以写上。
Dispense prescribed pharmaceuticals to customers or to other health care professionals and advise them on indications, contra-indications, adverse effects, drug interactions and dosage
Maintain medication profiles of customers including registry of poisons and narcotic and controlled drugs。这个是关于一些药品管理方面的工作,比如有毒药物、麻醉药和一些受控药物的管理的。主要是说,一些患者要用到一些需要特批的要,你负责注册管理这些患者和这些药,保证药物给需要这些药的人治病,而不是供给瘾君子或者用来害人。
Ensure proper preparation, packaging, distribution and storage of vaccines, serums, biologicals and other drugs and pharmaceuticals。这个就是用恰当的方法储藏药物。啥药放到冰箱里,啥药需要避光保存,等等。估计一般医院的药剂师和外面公共药房的药剂师都有这样的职责,如果有的话,写上一行。
Order and maintain stock of pharmaceutical supplies。药品采购,保证库存,不能说来人买药救命的时候发现这药卖完了。
Advise customers on selection and use of non-prescription medication。非处方药的建议。大街上药房的人都这么做。
May supervise and co-ordinate the activities of other pharmacists, pharmacy assistants, pharmacy technicians and other staff.就是带徒弟,不多说了 第二次写的从文法上看基本没问题了。
Dispense prescribed pharmaceuticals to customers.
advise customers on dosage.
ensure proper storage of vaccins and serums.就这么几个词就差不多了。
supervise other pharmacists或者coordinate other pharmacy technicians之类的话就完了。
请注意:以上只是一些example,请根据自己的实际情况写自己的工作内容。本人不是移民律师也不是行业专家,只是对字面上给一些建议, 不对具体内容负责。 看得出你对我问题下了很大功夫,再三感激
Check prescriptions for proper dosage
Dispense prescribed pharmaceuticals to customers and advise customers on dosage.
ensure proper storage of vaccines and serums.
coordinate other pharmacy technicians
这样那五行才刚好 英文什么的都没问题了。
今后的推荐信也要围绕这个main duty来写。 thank you
有空回答下我的信用卡问题:-D thank you
有空回答下我的信用卡问题啊:-D 原帖由 huangjianqiang 于 2008-7-8 12:57 发表 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
信用卡缴款,需要卡号,有效日期,和名字,有的银行可能为了更安全,会问你一个security question.