papall 发表于 2008-6-21 01:54:43



4/17和老婆两个人一起登陆vancouver,由于住家庭旅馆,可能地址会变所以申请表上没有留mailing address

4月底 租到房子,在cic的网站上更新了在vancouver的地址

5/6 老婆不放心,她自己又打了一遍cic 的call center,在电话里把地址更新了,问call center能不能把我的也更新了,答曰需要我自己打电话

5/20 老婆收到枫叶卡, 我的没有

5/23 打call center电话得知我的mailing address不在vancouver,确是一个montreal地址,ft! 在call center的customer service的指导下立刻写了一封信传真过去,要求变更地址,自己留了传真回执

5/26 由于24,25日是周末,26日一早起来就打电话确认是否受到变更申请,得到答复是地址已经被更新成vancouver,需要6-8周能受到枫叶卡

6/16 打电话到call center查进度,得到答复是照片尺寸不合格(我跟老婆在同一个地方照的),5/30已经寄往montreal,montreal office会在6-8周的时间联系我,我当时反问为什么地址已经改成vancouver还要把我的file寄到montreal? 他们回答得比较含糊,说会联系montreal office把file转到vancouver office,但是需要等

6/17-6/20 几乎每天都打电话给call center, 他们的电话特别难打有两天都没人接,得到的答复也不一样,有的说需要6-8周寄回vancouver,有的说马上寄回vancouver,但是vancouver office 要3-4周才会联系我. 问他们能不能加速办理,回答不行,这就是procedure


Ruibin 发表于 2008-6-21 02:33:34


papall 发表于 2008-6-21 02:37:38


Ruibin 发表于 2008-6-21 03:25:17

登陆纸和护照是完全可以的,看看这个表,是从ICBC官方网站拷过来的( ),可以打印出来给考官看。

Primary IDSecondary IDWe will accept any one of the following as primary ID. (Must show your legal name and date of birth.) Original document must be presented.We will accept any one of the following as secondary ID. (Must show your name, signature and/or photo.) Original document must be presented.Issued by ICBC:
[*]B.C. driver's licence or learner's licence (must have your photo)[*]B.C. Identification (BCID) cardIssued by provincial or territorial government:
[*]Canadian birth certificate (sorry, a baptismal certificate is not acceptable)Issued by Government of Canada:
[*]Canadian Citizenship Card[*]Permanent Resident Card[*]Canadian Record of Landing/Canadian Immigration Identification Record [*]Study, Work, Visitor or Temporary Resident Permit (formerly Minister's Permit). See important note.[*]Identity Card (Issued by Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to foreign representatives accredited to Canada and eligible members of their family)[*]School ID card (student card)[*]Bank card (only if applicant's name is on card)[*]Credit card (only if applicant's name is on card)[*]Passport [*]Foreign birth certificate (sorry, a baptismal certificate is not acceptable)[*]Canadian or U.S. driver's licence[*]Naturalization certificate[*]Canadian Forces identification[*]Police identification[*]Foreign Affairs Canada or consular identification[*]Vehicle registration (only if applicant's signature is shown)[*]Picture employee ID card[*]Firearms Acquisition Certificate[*]Social Insurance Card (new style without signature strip not acceptable)[*]B.C. CareCard[*]Native Status Card[*]Parole Certificate ID[*]Correctional Service Conditional Release Card

Choiy 发表于 2008-6-21 19:24:56


papall 发表于 2008-6-22 02:56:07

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 求助:大伙儿给出点主意,如何能迅速得到我的枫叶卡