不知道合理吗? 看来你的中介对你的专业并不十分了解。在加拿大,软件与硬件是截然分开的。
涉及硬件的有两大职业类型:Computer Engineer和Electrical and Electronic Engineer。
如果是单片机系统、嵌入式系统等,应该归类为Computer Engineer:
2147 Computer Engineers
Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) research, plan, design, develop, modify, evaluate and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware and related equipment, and information and communication system networks including mainframe systems, local and wide area networks, fibre-optic networks, wireless communication networks, Intranets, the Internet and other data communications systems. They are employed by computer and telecommunication hardware manufacturers, by engineering, manufacturing and telecommunications firms, in information technology consulting firms, by governmental, educational and research institutions and in information technology units throughout the private and public sectors.
Analyze user's requirements, and design and develop system architecture and specifications
Research, design, develop and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware such as microprocessors, integrated circuit boards and semiconductor lasers
Develop and conduct design verification simulations and prototype bench tests of components
Supervise, inspect and provide design support during the manufacturing, installation and implementation of computer and telecommunications hardware
Establish and maintain relationships with suppliers and clients
May lead and co-ordinate teams of engineers, technologists, technicians and drafters in the design and development of computer and telecommunications hardware.
如果是模拟系统、输变电系统的,可归类为Double E
2133 Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Electrical and electronics engineers design, plan, research, evaluate and test electrical and electronic equipment and systems. They are employed by electrical utilities, communications companies, manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment, consulting firms, and by a wide range of manufacturing, processing and transportation industries and government.
Electrical and electronics engineers perform some or all of the following duties:
Conduct research into the feasibility, design, operation and performance of electrical generation and distribution networks, electrical machinery and components and electronic communications, instrumentation and control systems, equipment, and components
Prepare material cost and timing estimates, reports and design specifications for electrical and electronic systems and equipment
Design electrical and electronic circuits, components, systems and equipment
Supervise and inspect the installation, modification, testing and operation of electrical and electronic systems and equipment
Develop maintenance and operating standards for electrical and electronic systems and equipment
Investigate electrical or electronic failures
Prepare contract documents and evaluate tenders for construction or maintenance
Supervise technicians, technologists, programmers, analysts and other engineers.
Electrical and electronics engineers may specialize in a number of areas including electrical design for residential, commercial or industrial installations, electrical power generation and transmission, and instrumentation and control systems.
首先从系统用途来分,Double E主要是处理强电相关的能量流动与转换的技术,而Computer Engineer主要是处理信息流相关的技术。
第二从系统架构来分,Double E的系统主要是以测量-反馈-控制系统为核心,中间用到处理器和数字子系统也是为了这一个闭环服务的或者为这一闭环提供人机接口的。而Computer Engineer Focus在以处理器为核心,所有外围都是围绕这处理器提供输入输出信息的这一类系统。 做软件的,有Software Engineer和Programmer两种。
Software Engineer是按照软件生命周期中,
做需求分析-概要设计-详细设计- - -系统集成测试-系统维护的工作
而Programmer顾名思义,就是编码和模块测试,并辅助software engineer做设计工作。
和 个人觉的Double E应当主要是弱电吧!