玫瑰金 发表于 2008-5-3 11:40:11





玫瑰金 发表于 2008-5-3 11:41:08








成长背景:Grown up in long island city, New York (纽约州长岛市长大)

种族背景:Half Jewish half Spanish (一半犹太裔一半西班牙裔)

教育背景:Junior in college (大学三年级在读)


Q: What are the things cross your mind when think of China/Chinese?(such as things you most exposed to in daily life)

A:Emmm,Dragon!And Chinese red.Stuff that breakable, and old like China.Also, these large population in china and the powerful industry. You know everything is made in china now.

答:嗯…… 龙!还有中国红!(果然很具象的思维吧,估计是受了老谋子的引导)易碎和古老的东西,比如瓷器。(双关语呀~)还有就是,中国很好很强大的人口和工业啦,现在什么东西都是中国制造了。

Q:Can you name a few channels you get information on China?(Movie,Newspaper, etc.)

A:Generally,Economist,New York Times,CNN,BBC.But from what I know, people don't really TALK about china yet.


Q: And what impression you have on China/Chinese culture based onthese information?

A:I always imagine there are millions of big trucks running on the street of china, symbolizing the fast growing economy.And recently the news are basically about environmental pollution and toys contamination in china, and I guess people are very influenced by these coverage.Media objectivity ?Unsure about it. There are lots of conspiracy theories about our media anyway,like Murdoch^-^


Q: When is the first time you have a Chinese friend? How do you know him/her?

A:It was at my 6 years old, a Chinese boy of my age lived next door.He was Ok, very funny guy.

Q: And what do you think of him in the light of culture nuance?

A:I remember he got a big Buddha statue at his house,and he stays home a lot. Maybe there are some sort of connections, I can't figured it out. He was quite reserved to himself, don't really belong to any groups.


Q: And what you like and don't like about him?

A:There is nothing I don't like about him. I do like the fact he is easy going.


Q:What you think of the upcoming 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing?

A:I think it is positive thing to have Beijing to hold the Olympic Games, because we are going to get more reasons to look at and talk about china.I appreciate the effort Chinese made for the Olympics;it takes a lot of commitment.


Q:And will you go to Beijing for the Olympic Games if situation (your schedule and budget) allows? Why and why not?

A:Emmm, I would rather go to Beijing not during the Olympics.I wanted to see what ordinary Beijing looks like.Do I need a reason? Well, china, as well as Beijing, is like the world that is so far away yet so developed that I have no idea about. The image of Beijing on my mind right now is groups of people walking in highly commercialized dynamic streets.Also, I have never seen a Chinese movie made in urban area of china,so I wanted to see what big cities in china like.I can't tell thedifference of Tokyo and Beijing if you asked me now, but I will know if I went to Beijing someday.


Q:How do you imagine the life in China?

A:I think everything could be purchased in China because everything is made there.And also, I think there are less extreme social classes there, only peasantry class and professional class. Not like here, if you are a middle class and you lose your job and house, you could become a homeless in one week.I have a friend who lives in the street; I can give you her number if you want to interview her.



Q: Please give a few words to describe your perception of China as a world power.

A:I think china is leaded by a very competitive and global oriented government, and it is gaining more and more respect and attention now,which is a good thing, because people care when they feel something is powerful. For me, I would like to know more information about china if
I get the chance.




玫瑰金 发表于 2008-5-3 11:45:17


成长背景:Immigrant from Honduras ,secondgeneration(拉美洪都拉斯第二代移民)
种族背景:Hispanic (拉美西裔)

教育背景: Junior in college ,majored in internationalstudies (大学三年级在读, 国际政治系)

Q: What are the things cross your mind whenthink of China/Chinese?
(such as things you most exposed to in daily life)

答:You. 你啊!(放电ing*o*)
And the fantasticfood, Chinese people do knowtheir ways in the kitchen.

Q:Can you name a few channels you getinformation on China? (Movie,
Newspaper, etc.)

答:NBC news, travel channel, discoverychannel.

Q: And what impression you have onChina/Chinese culture based on
these information?

答:I felt Chinese are with very highmoral standard, they respect
manners and orders, not like people here, sometimes I have to curbthe urge to straight up some stupid kids I met.


Chinese in a general, will consider in manyperspectives that if what they say or do will potentially hurtothers, for them, they think before say something. And for peoplehere, you know, some of them probaly had lost their brain in thesubway so they don't bother to think at all.


Q: When is the first time you have a Chinesefriend? How do you know him/her?

答:A guy in high school, he was prettycool,his mother wouldn't let him do drugs and he never attemptedto, that's pretty amazing to me, how a guy in high school wouldever listen to his mother.


Q: And what do you think of him in the lightof culture nuance?

答:He was pretty quiet most of the time.I mean, being quiet could be both good and bad. When you sharedsomething intimate with a friend, his silence will be appreciated,because friends should be reliable;but when you guys are hangingout in a club, you don't want him to be intense and can't laidback.

Q:What you think of the upcoming 2008Olympic Games held in Beijing?

答:It is a good thing for china andChinese people to think about their roles and responsibilities onthe international stage. I hope Olympics will bring people aroundworld to see and experience more about china, but at the same timeI wish China will open up more to let people know about it.

Q:And will you go to Beijing for theOlympic Games if
situation (your schedule and budget) allows? Why and why not?

答: Well, I don't have special personalinterests on Olympics no matter where it is held. Besides I will go to Italy this summer.

I think I will go to Italy again even if I had been there before,hey I spent years in learning Italian!

Q:How do you imagine the life inChina?

答:People living in the countryside wouldbe having a quiet and
peaceful life, and those who live in the city would be theopposite:
stressful, crowded…all because they have to hard work into one ofthe world's strongest economy.


Q: Please give a few words to describeyour perception of China as a world power.

答(Louis同学变得严肃起来):Correction: Chinais not yet a world power despite itsstrong economical potential and military strength. It has verystrong culture root and influence as well, but it also lacks someof the most important characteristics to be a respectedinternational player. What China need to be a worldpower?First It needs a group of people withbetter education and better unification of mind to plan out astrategy, which has to fundamentally change the perception of theworld and promote china as a open, fair, and insightfulcountry.


Also, China needs to be more skillful andprepared to handle the
opinions from the rest of the world, no matter positive ornegative,
then they can shape these opinions to match the reality.But In thefuture, I think China will become the number eight member
of the Group of Seven.


玫瑰金 发表于 2008-5-3 11:45:52

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查看完整版本: ZT:美国年轻人对中国以及奥运的看法