香港FN到2007.09的了年3月14日HK关于档案号分配的回复Dear Sir/Madam,
We are currently processing applications for permanent residence which arrived at the Consulate in early September 2007.
If your application was submitted after this date, there would not be any record in our system although payment may have already been processed.Please be patient.We will contact you in due course. <br />
Due to the high volume of applications in process, please keep your case enquiries to a minimum.<br />
Thank you.
Immigration Section
Consulate General of Canada, Hong Kong
12/F., Tower 1
Exchange Square
8 Connaught Place
Hong Kong 谢谢! 『收到』 『谢谢』 还是有点慢. :-( 谢谢分享 谢谢分享,还得等啊~~ 『谢谢』 还是要这么久 6个月!真的有点慢! :-( :-( 慢『讨厌』 『Canada-Flag』 慢『讨厌』 『Canada-Flag』 移民靠的就是耐心呀..... 一直没搞清楚,大家算月份,是从妥投开始算还是从扣款开始算?*-)
回复 13楼 的帖子
我是按 妥投,如果按扣款,我想撞墙~~~『怕怕』 『怕怕』 谢谢,我还得等2个月:-D 好消息!『呵呵』 谢谢分享! 慢啊