请大家帮我修改一下我的mian duties,谢谢大家!
我以会计的职业申请,单位小,就我一个会计,包揽了会计所有的工作,请大家看看我的main duties,帮我修改修改,谢谢大家!1、Deal with accounting documents
2、Examine and analyze journal and ledger entries, bank statements, inventories, expenditures, tax returns and other accounting and financial records, documents and systems (这句请大家帮忙看看如何缩短,我自己无论怎样缩都写不完)
3、In charge of tax issue
4、Prepare the forecast and annual budget
5、Prepare financial analysis report
[ 本帖最后由 小_鱼鱼 于 2008-2-18 16:19 编辑 ] Examine and analyze financial related documents. 早上回来就看到Ruibin回我了,太好了,谢谢~~~~~~~~~『感动』
“Examine and analyze journal and ledger entries, bank statements, inventories, expenditures, tax returns and other accounting and financial records, documents and systems of an individual, department, company or other establishment to ensure financial recording accuracy and compliance with established accounting standards, procedures and internal controls
Prepare detailed reports on audit findings and make recommendations to improve individual or establishment's accounting and management practices
Conduct field audits of businesses to ensure compliance with provisions of the Income Tax Act, Canadian Business Corporations Act or other statutory requirements
May supervise other auditors or professionals in charge of accounting within client's establishment.” 可以了,简表里的表述不会太严格的,靠谱就行,你写的已经够“象”会计的了,只要保证移民官不会理解成电工,你就可以拿到FN。 嘻嘻嘻嘻,那我交表啦,谢谢Ruibin给我莫大的帮助『开心』 『Troll』