关于FN 的问询
我去年7月20日递交申请,时至今日尚未收到FN,我按照一位移友提供的邮件地址给hkong-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca发了个询问信,结果收到了了个自动回复,回复如下:SUBJECT Re: have not received my FN - Confirmation
This is an automatically generated message
This will acknowledge receipt of your email to the Hong Kong visa office.
For more information about CIC, please visit CIC site at www.cic.gc.ca.
Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email
communication with CIC and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email
address provided by you for communication with you including the
transmission of personal information on your file/case.
请问各位斑竹和有经验移友,我下一步该如何办? 顶一下自己,刚打开邮箱,又收到使馆一封回信,人工的,呵呵,回信说去年12月19日已给我发出,可我至今为什么还没收到呢? 叫他们补邮寄一份给你 写明自己的情况,姓名.住址.原始签名,邮给HK 不知道现在FN发到几月份的了?我的是8月20日妥投、9月20汇票解付的,不知道什么时候才能FN?
回复 5楼 的帖子
应该就这几天. 无论如何,恭喜楼主啦! 看来又寄丢了,坛子里很多这种情况,楼主找找看,再写信去要补寄吧~~