有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
我几个月前提交了移民申请,现在刚收到确认信,就是大家常说的FN吧?上面写的时间是07 NOV 2007.信上写的可以通过www.cic.gc.ca的online services查状态。可是为什么我输入FN提供的immigration file number和我的相关信息,却查不到呢?
难道是我的申请目前还没in process? 收到FN不就表示in process吗(信中这样写的)?
回复: 有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
帮顶!:-)回复: 有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
顶回复: 有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
『支持』 『恭喜』回复: 有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
回复: 有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
Post by 深圳细东;789755看清楚要求填什么选什么
We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:
[*]Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.
[*]This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed:
Application Processing Times
[*]At this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:
[*]sponsored a member of the family class;
[*]applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;
[*]applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);
[*]applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);
[*]applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);
[*]applied to register and retain Canadian citizenship;
[*]applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; or
[*]applied to resume Canadian citizenship.The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may help you to access the status of your application through CAS.
回复: 有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
顶回复: 有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
已经解决了。多谢回复: 有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
搂主说说怎么解决的???大伙这么热心,不能扔下一句话就没下文了!!!!回复: 有了FILE number,为什么网上查不到目前的状态?
呵呵,对呀。怎么跑啦?我连FN都没有,怎么查呀:( 只需输入姓,不要输入全名 就是再输入fn的时候也输入申请人的姓氏就可以了吗?麻烦楼主再来中介一下,呵呵!谢谢!! 好象我也查不到呢,到底怎么解决的呀?时间会证明一切?