lucktj 发表于 2008-5-26 15:24:16

谢谢楼上,看来生活并不难,但想生活好也不容易。问问鱼贵吗?海鱼最好,国内平鱼也叫燕鱼 25元一斤,带鱼10元左右

dongma 发表于 2008-5-27 07:47:13

是这样.想想挺可笑.来到后做了Wal-mart的化装品的售货员,能挣1400个大洋per month,半天学习还是免费的,半天工作,也够吃饭的,还是挺高兴的.

dongma 发表于 2008-6-6 12:37:48

原帖由 lucktj 于 2008-5-26 15:24 发表
谢谢楼上,看来生活并不难,但想生活好也不容易。问问鱼贵吗?海鱼最好,国内平鱼也叫燕鱼 25元一斤,带鱼10元左右 不了解,也不知道什么叫燕鱼,今天去购物,猪肉是1.90元一磅,苹果是0.99元一磅,加州的橙子是0.79元一磅,香菜大概是0.40元一把,买了两把,回来做了水饺.三文鱼很贵.苹果和橙子都比国内的味道好.葡萄味道也很好.买了两把韭菜苔一元.西红柿是1.49元.好的贵.桃是1.29元一磅.挣一千多元够交租房钱和三人的生活费,生活水平也没有降低.只是水饺馒头需自己做.

dongma 发表于 2008-6-6 12:49:50


dongma 发表于 2008-6-6 13:00:12

这边的Tomnhouse 在新大统华附近需30多万,在 Daihousie附近,大的Single house 在40万,我见过一套66年的Single house ,两室还有地下室(是装修好的)是32万,地下室是高窗的,可以住人。租金大概能到88元。一室的Apartment是近20万,在当地的卖房广告上。

dongma 发表于 2008-6-6 13:01:21


lucktj 发表于 2008-6-6 13:40:07

原帖由 dongma 于 2008-6-6 12:37 发表
不了解,也不知道什么叫燕鱼,今天去购物,猪肉是1.90元一磅,苹果是0.99元一磅,加州的橙子是0.79元一磅,香菜大概是0.40元一把,买了两把,回来做了水饺.三文鱼很贵.苹果和橙子都比国内的味道好.葡萄味道也很好.买了两把韭 ... 感觉不贵同国内差不多,现在猪肉16元一斤,苹果3元左右,樱桃10元,西红柿1元左右,桃子贵些(味道不好),甜瓜2.5元左右

lucktj 发表于 2008-6-6 13:41:07


dongma 发表于 2008-6-9 06:04:34

原帖由 lucktj 于 2008-6-6 13:41 发表
祝福dongma,喜欢最好 谢谢!今天星期天,不用上学也不用上班,一早吃了早饭,和好面,就去Safeway买东西了。又断断续续的下雨,真爱这里的云,风云多变幻,云的体积大,一块云变大,有黑云遮头,或不遮头,便能变出雨来,下几滴,或下一会,有时是边露太阳,边下雨。花便在这漫长的春天里,慢慢酝酿,丁香便在这雨里或并不热的太阳的照耀下,一点点的变幻由淡蓝色花苞到逐渐开放,一天天的渲染她的芳香,向周围传送出去,在春天里,和其他的花香相伴,从从容容的淡定在空气里。

悠悠娘 发表于 2008-6-10 12:36:12



CICI 发表于 2008-6-13 19:54:55

原帖由 悠悠娘 于 2008-6-10 12:36 发表

『支持』 我也『支持』 『支持』 『支持』

泠泠67 发表于 2008-6-20 09:01:05

Thank you, dongma!


泠泠67 发表于 2008-6-20 09:06:35

原帖由 dongma 于 2008-6-6 13:00 发表
这边的Tomnhouse 在新大统华附近需30多万,在 Daihousie附近,大的Single house 在40万,我见过一套66年的Single house ,两室还有地下室(是装修好的)是32万,地下室是高窗的,可以住人。租金大概能到88元。一室的Apartment是近2 ...
现在新大统华的小一点的single house只有30万出头了,这边房子比Dalhousie那边的房子新,房价稍微低一点,但交通一样方便,是很好的居住区。好多香港的老移民都选择在中央街北住,就是因为交通方便,华人超市多,3号车直达chinatown。还有这里的初,高中也很好,Difenbaker 高中的排名仅次于 churchill 高中。

dongma 发表于 2008-8-1 14:13:22


dongma 发表于 2008-9-29 12:36:39

来这里半年了,边学习边打工,忙忙碌碌,学会了使用面包机做面包,生活也渐渐适应了.收获最大的是孩子,在高中学习的轻松,他说愿意学习,是这样的,看见他的老师给发来的电子邮件,在网上老师的回复.下面是他的生物的实验报告:A determination of the permeability of sandwich bags to starch and iodine

Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to study the permeability of different kinds of sandwich bags to starch and iodine.

Background Information: First, the meaning of permeability must be explained. The dictionary definition of permeability is a measure of a material’s ability to transmit liquids. In this experiment, we are going to find out about whether the molecules of starch and iodine can pass through materials like sandwich bags.

The basis of this movement of molecules is called diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of particles from a higher concentration to low concentration by random molecular movement. It’s a spontaneous process that does not require extra energy. Diffusion only happens when there’s a difference of concentration, or what is called, concentration gradient occurs. If there is a concentration gradient, the solute molecules in the highly concentrated region would move to the region of lowly concentrated, so that the whole region is equally concentrated, or what is called, equilibrium.

To understand diffusion better, the meaning of entropy must be explained. For any state of any system, there is a number that describes basically how ‘messy’ it is. That number is called entropy. For example, when you have a box with a board in the middle of it, each side of which is chicks of two different color, let’s say, white and black. In this system, the entropy is relatively low, because it’s not messy. You can pick white chicks from one side of the board and black chicks from the other. You can not pick black chicks from the white-chick-side, and you can not pick white chicks from the black-chick-side.

But when you withdraw the board, within a few hours, the chicks would mix together. Now, the entropy increased. Why? Because the system had just turned relatively ‘messy’. Now when you randomly pick a chick from the box, you can not be sure whether you are going to pick a white one or a black one.

Now, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, any spontaneous process (that is, process that does not require extra energy) will increase the system’s entropy. We now know that diffusion is a spontaneous process, is the entropy of the system increased? Let’s say a drop of methylene blue was dropped into a glass of water. Soon, the whole glass would turn into a blue color. Now, the process of methylene blue dissolve is actually the diffusion of methylene blue molecule. Before the methylene blue is fully dissolved, there’s a huge ‘clump’ of methylene blue molecules. The entropy is relatively low, because the methylene blue molecules separated with the water quite orderly. But after the diffusion, the entropy increased. Get a spoon of water, and it’s impossible to get only just water or only just methylene blue. So, we can see that the basis of diffusion is the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

In this experiment, when a deliberately produced concentration gradient occurs between two regions separated by sandwich bags, diffusion would happen if the bag is permeable to the solute molecules, that is, the molecules can pass through the sandwich bag. And if there is a concentration gradient but no diffusion occurred, one can determine that the sandwich bag is not permeable to these solutes.

What is the method of testing whether solute molecules appear on the other side of the testing material? In this case, the special property of starch and iodine are used. When iodine and starch are mixed, the mixture would turn into a purplish color, which is very obvious and easy to recognize. The chemical reaction can be shown in a way like this:

nI2 + (C6H10O5)6n = (C18H30O15I)2n

So in this experiment, we can observe the color change of the mixture to determine whether iodine and starch passed through the sandwich bags.

Variables: Manipulated Variables: Type of the sandwich bags, types of solute.
         Controlled Variables: Concentration of the solute, air tightness of the device, temperature.
         Responding Variables: The color of the mixture, both inside and outside the sandwich bag.

Hypothesis: The sandwich bag is permeable to both iodine and starch.

Materials: 50.0 mL graduated cylinder, test tube, 400 mL beaker, 10.0 mL graduated cylinder, plastic sandwich bag, aqueous starch solution, aqueous iodine solution, droppers, metal twist tie, glass stir rod, distilled water.

Procedure: Step 1: Measure 8 mL of iodine solution and 100 mL of water in the cylinder, mix them in a clean and dry 400 mL beaker. Stir to make the iodine fully dissolve.
         Step 2: Take a zip-lock sandwich bag, fill it with made starch solution. Zip the sandwich bag so it becomes completely air tight.
         Step 3: Put the zip-lock sandwich bag into the beaker containing the iodine solution. Make sure it’s totally submerged.
         Step 4: Leave it undisturbed. Wait for a period of time. Observe the color of the solutions, both inside and outside the bag.
         Step 5: Repeat Step 1 to 4 with different kinds of sandwich bags.

       Type of bags
The color
of solutions        Type A Sandwich bag
(Co-op)        Type B Sandwich bag
(Safeway)        Type C Sandwich bag
Color of the solution inside the bag before the experiment        Colorless and transparent        Colorless and transparent        Colorless and transparent
Color of the solution outside the bag before the experiment        Yellow        Yellow        Yellow
Color of the solution inside the bag after the experiment        Blue        Blue        Blue
Color of the solution outside the bag after the experiment        Almost colorless        Almost colorless        Almost colorless

Analysis: From the data shown in the table above, we can see the change of color both inside and outside the bags. We can see that solutions in all the bags turned blue while the solutions outside these bags not only did not turn blue but also turned into an almost transparent color, it means after the experiment, there’s iodine inside the bag, and low concentration of iodine outside the bag after the experiment. First, because the solution inside the bags turned blue, we can determine that the iodine diffused passed the sandwich bags and reacted with the starch inside to produce a blue color. It also resulted in the form of concentration of iodine outside the bag decreased (the color outside the bags turned almost colorless). On the other hand, starch did not diffuse out of the bag, otherwise the solution outside would turn blue. So basically the starch didn’t diffuse through the bag while the iodine diffused through.

Conclusion: All sandwich bags tested are permeable to iodine, but not permeable to starch.

Evaluations: This experiment can be improved by observing the time of the color change. When there’s a first sign of color change, record the time from submerging the bags inside the beakers. Thus, the bag that is most permeable to the solute can be determined. Also, there might be a possibility that the starch did diffuse out, but with iodine diffused inside the bag, causing low concentration outside, the color change may not be noticed. We should check the outside solution with iodine after the experiment is done.


lucktj 发表于 2008-10-2 10:18:06


开心树乐 发表于 2008-10-3 00:36:51


dongma 发表于 2008-10-3 07:05:46


dongma 发表于 2008-10-3 11:59:56


An exploration of the relationship between the time of diffusion and surface area to volume Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to determine the influence of surface area to volume ratio on time of diffusion.

Background Information: The purpose of the experiment is to discuss the relationship between the rate of diffusion and volume. It is actually, a simulation of a cell. As we all know, cells are open and living systems. They need to exchange both matter and energy with the outside world. One particularly important way of exchanging matter is diffusion (which is the spontaneous process of particles moving from high concentrated area to low concentrated area by random particle movement). The time of diffusion is related with the surface area of the cell, so, if a cell wants to increase its rate of diffusion, it has to figure out a way to create maximum surface area with a limited amount of volume.

Mathematically, the “symptom” of achieving great surface area in a limited amount of volume is a high surface area-volume ratio. In this fraction, the numerator is the surface area while the denominator is the volume. If the volume stays the same but the surface area increases, the ratio would increase. The same thing will happen if the volume decreases while the surface area stays the same.

To calculate the surface area to volume ratio, we need to calculate the surface area to volume ratio. As we are using cubes, the surface area of the cube SA = 6s2, while the volume V = s3. By simplifying the rational expression that represent the surface area to volume ratio, we get SA/V = 6/s. According to this equation, one can easily see that the surface area to volume ratio is affected only by the side length of the cube, and the greater the side length, the smaller the surface area to volume ratio.

In this particular experiment, we are going to use agar to simulate cells, and by measuring the time of an obvious reaction caused by diffusion, we can estimate the rate of diffusion. The reaction we chose is a simple one. As we all know, phenolphthalein shows a color of pink in a base solution. When we add sodium hydroxide and phenolphthalein in the agar, and agar will show a color of pink. Then, we can soak them into hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid can react with sodium hydroxide and remove the hydroxide ions inside the solution to neutralize the base. The reaction can be shown like this.

NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H2O

When hydrochloric acid diffuses, reacts with sodium hydroxide and finally reaches an equilibrium between the cubes and the solution outside (which is, must be an acid environment), there will be no free hydroxide ions inside the cubes. In an acid environment, phenolphthalein is colorless, thus, the cube would turn from pink to colorless. The less time it takes to become colorless, the faster the reaction and therefore the faster the diffusion.

Hypothesis: The smaller the volume of the cube is, the less time it takes to turn colorless.

Variables: Manipulated Variable: The dimension of the agar cubes
         Controlled Variables: Temperature, material of agar cubes, concentration of the hydrochloric acid.
         Responding Variables: The time of the completion of color change.

Material: 4 agar cubes (10 mm ×10 mm × 10 mm each), stopwatch, 0.1 mol/L HCl (aq), graduated cylinder, scalpel, spot plate, ruler, forceps.

Procedure: Step1: Take 4 agar cubes, cut one of them into 8 smaller cubes by halving every one of its dimension. Take one of the smaller cubes and cut them into 8 even smaller ones.
          Step2: Pour some hydrochloric acid into the spot plate; make sure that the hydrochloric acid can submerge the cubes when cubes are put into the spot plate.
          Step3: Put one big agar cubes into the plate. Start to measure time. Stop the stopwatch when the agar cubes become exactly colorless. Record the time.
          Step4: Prepare a new plate. Repeat step 2 and 3 with other big cubes.
          Step5: Repeat step 2 to 4 with medium-sized and smaller-sized cubes.

Relative size of the cubes        Trials        Time it takes for the agar cubes to turn completely colorless
(Minute: second: millisecond
±0.05)        Dimension of the agar cubes (in centimeters, ±0.05)
Big        Trial 1        3 : 42 : 76        0.70×0.70×0.70
        Trial 2        6 : 08 : 13        0.80×0.80×0.80
        Trial 3        5 : 44 : 69        0.90×0.90×0.90
Medium        Trial 1        2 : 15 : 54        0.35×0.35×0.35
        Trial 2        1 : 13 : 22        0.35×0.35×0.35
        Trial 3        1 : 30 : 56        0.35×0.35×0.35
Small        Trial 1        0 : 27 : 10        0.165×0.165×0.165
        Trial 2        0 : 15 : 75        0.165×0.165×0.165
        Trial 3        0 : 30 : 34        0.165×0.165×0.165
Table 1: Dimension of the cubes and the time it takes to become completely colorless
Note that the agar cubes after the experiment is not necessarily colorless, but shows a shade of yellow in it. This is because the agar is not completely colorless.

Analysis: First, we need to calculate the surface area to volume ratio of those agar cubes. Let’s take the example of the 0.70×0.70×0.70 cube. The surface area of the cube is:

SA cube = 6 s2 = 6 × (0.70 cm)2 = 2.94 cm2

The volume of the cube is:

V cube = s3 = (0.70 cm)3 = 0.343 cm3

The surface area to volume ratio is SA cube / V cube = (2.94 cm2) / (0.343 cm3) ≈ 8.57 cm-1

All the surface area to volume ratio is calculated in the table below:

Relative Size        Side length of the cubes in cm        Surface area of the cube in cm2        Volume of the cube in cm3        Surface area to volume ratio in cm-1
Big        0.7        2.94        0.343        8.57
        0.8        3.84        0.512        7.5
        0.9        4.86        0.729        6.67
Medium        0.35        0.735        0.042875        17.14
        0.35        0.735        0.042875        17.14
        0.35        0.735        0.042875        17.14
Small        0.165        0.16335        0.004492125        36.36
        0.165        0.16335        0.004492125        36.36
        0.165        0.16335        0.004492125        36.36
Table 2: Surface area, volume and surface area to volume ratio of the cubes

We can see that the bigger the side length of the cube is, the smaller the surface area to volume ratio is. In fact, the relationship is precisely r = 6/s, the graph is shown exactly above. Now, what about the time required to turn completely colorless, that is, the efficiency of diffusion? We now build a chart to show the relationship between time and surface area to volume ratio.

The trend line in the graph is similar to the graph of the function y = x-1. Using the regression analysis method, we can determine that the equation of the best fit line is t = 3480.2537x-1 – 75.56, where r ≈ 0.8997 > 0.602. So there is 95% chance that the relationship is genuine.

According to the property of monotony of the type of function, we can determine that while x is greater than 0, when x increases, responding variable t decreases. Thus, using mathematical method, we can determine that the greater the surface area to volume ratio, the less time it needs for diffusion to complete.

Conclusion: The greater the side length is, the less the surface area to volume ratio is, and the more time of diffusion it needs.

Evaluation: The main source of error of this experiment is that the standard for “colorless” may be different in different trials. During our experiment, the pinkish color become very thin in the end, that sometimes it’s hard to tell whether it’s colorless or not. Also, when different member of the experiment team checks whether the cubes are colorless or not, there standard might be different. A cube can appear to be colorless to somebody, while someone else might spot a shade of pink in it. We think that the time variation caused by this factor could be as much as 10 seconds, which will affect the coefficient “r” in the regression analysis part. If the variation is great enough, r might be below the rate of 0.602, causing the equation to lose its meaning.

The impact of this source of error may be reduced by asking the same person to determine whether these cubes are colorless or not. The standard of one person on this issue, although still will be slightly different, will be almost the same with different trials. Maybe the time he decided is still different from the precise time of the last OH- ion being eliminated, but because the standard is the same, the whole trend won’t be affected.

yan-yan 发表于 2008-10-25 10:59:16

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