回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
时间长一点好回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
挣钱好难啊回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
Post by kite130;522924对了,听说现在实现根据表格评分,择优录取,不知道是不是真的
回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
顶,关注中回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
Post by hxy728;52315610月30日寄的申请材料,现在没有任何信息,急啊!!!
回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
其实 换个角度想想也挺快的3年左右 就是正式的移民身份了,基本的权利和福利也应该都有了,呵呵,身份才是关键的,要不在国外可是大把的花钱呢。。。耐心等待,积极准备。。。希望就在前方『支持』
回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
我也说说我的看法:用平常心看待移民。不要期待太好,也不要想得太坏。能出去了看看换种生活很好,不能出去在国内生活将来也不会差,因为中国的社会正在向好的方面发展,尽管我们仍然是发展中国家。慢慢地让他们VO去处理吧,我们该干啥干啥去,呵呵!祝坛子里所有筒子们好运常在!回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
原来简化是这个意思呀,那对申请者好像没什么意义哦回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
Post by ERIC2008;524853我也说说我的看法:用平常心看待移民。不要期待太好,也不要想得太坏。能出去了看看换种生活很好,不能出去在国内生活将来也不会差,因为中国的社会正在向好的方面发展,尽管我们仍然是发展中国家。慢慢地让他们VO去处理吧,我们该干啥干啥去,呵呵!祝坛子里所有筒子们好运常在!
回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
新程序看来只会慢过以前,什么办事效率?回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
仅仅猜测而已,大家还是耐心等待吧回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
在等待的时间内充实自已,大家加油!『必胜』回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
Post by Ruibin;503826递香港的,旧程序的大概两年左右结案,新程序的大概要比旧程序花多大约半年到一年 『大汗』
怎么知道,新程序体检表随交材料信一起的,是大使馆网站的说明吗? 不会是你已经收到交材料的信吧,新程序还没有人受到交材料的信、
回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
Post by bigmouth;569373怎么知道,新程序体检表随交材料信一起的,是大使馆网站的说明吗? 不会是你已经收到交材料的信吧,新程序还没有人受到交材料的信、
What Happens Next?
The assessment of your application
When the visa office is ready to assess your application, it will contact you, ask you to provide an update of your situation, and ask you to fill out a form with your history for the past years. The visa office will also send you a list of documents to submit, such as passport, proof of medical exam, police certificates, identity documents, proof of language test results, diplomas, etc.
Important: Do not submit any police certificate, proof of medical exam, proof of language test results or any other document before the visa office asks you to do so.
Medical exam
You, and all your family members must undergo and pass an immigration medical exam, even if your family members will not be processed for permanent residence with your application. We will provide instructions on medical exams once we are ready to assess your application.
You will not be able to sponsor family members who do not undergo and pass a medical exam.
Police certificates
At the time we assess your application, you and all your family members who are 18 years of age and older will have to submit police certificates for each country in which you have lived for six months or more since the age of 18.
The decision
The officer will make a decision based on:
[*]the number of points that you accumulate in the selection factors
[*]your ability to meet the required funds amount for the size of your familyDuring the decision-making process, the officer may contact you if:
[*]further documentation is required
[*]a personal interview is required---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
回复: 新程序下申请周期估计
Post by Ruibin;569378不是我收到交材料信,而是官方网站介绍说明的:
What Happens Next?
The assessment of your application
When the visa office is ready to assess your application, it will contact you, ask you to provide an update of your situation, and ask you to fill out a form with your history for the past years. The visa office will also send you a list of documents to submit, such as passport, proof of medical exam, police certificates, identity documents, proof of language test results, diplomas, etc.
Important: Do not submit any police certificate, proof of medical exam, proof of language test results or any other document before the visa office asks you to do so.
Medical exam
You, and all your family members must undergo and pass an immigration medical exam, even if your family members will not be processed for permanent residence with your application. We will provide instructions on medical exams once we are ready to assess your application.
You will not be able to sponsor family members who do not undergo and pass a medical exam.
Police certificates
At the time we assess your application, you and all your family members who are 18 years of age and older will have to submit police certificates for each country in which you have lived for six months or more since the age of 18.
The decision
The officer will make a decision based on:
[*]the number of points that you accumulate in the selection factors
[*]your ability to meet the required funds amount for the size of your familyDuring the decision-making process, the officer may contact you if:
[*]further documentation is required
[*]a personal interview is required---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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