9.1新程序下 HK 寄来的 FN 信
Dear Applicant,We have received your application for permanent residence in Canada. We have created a file with file number pasted above. You must quote this file number in any future correspondence. A receipt for application fees submitted is also enclosed. If you submitted additional supporting documents, these are being returned to you and are enclosed. We will request supporting documents at a later date.
Pleased find attached file labels which bear your file number and a barcode which can be scanned in to our computerized processing system. Please be sure to attach one of these labels to the covering page of all correspondence faxed or mailed to this office. By using these labels you can help us to work more efficiently. However, please do not affix these labels on bank drafts, money orders or certified cheques as they will not be accepted for payment by our bank.
This letter explains our procedures for your case and gives information on what you can do to prepare yourself for immigration to Canada while your case is in process. At the present time there is a queue of applications. We regret the delay. If you wish to withdraw your application during this waiting period, you may obtain a full refund of fees paid. Once documents have been requested and the assessment of your applications has begun, no fee refund is available.
The reviewing of your file will not occur for approximately 24-30 months. This is our current estimate; however, circumstances may change. Please consult the website of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada(CIC) for up-to-date information on processing time at our office:
You may also check basic case status on-line at the CIC website (http://www.cic.gc.ca) using the “e-Client Application Status” function that is found in the “Online Services” section of the website.
Nest Steps
When our office is ready to begin reviewing and assessing your file towards reach a final decision, we will send you a complete list of requested documents. At that time, you will be provided with 4 Months to prepare and submit this supporting documentation. A list of documents and that we currently request can be found on the Cousulate’s website at http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/asia/honkong/application-kits-en.asp. Do not send these documents now. if you send these documents now, they will be returned to you.
Documents must be submitted in a single package. Do not submit any documents until you have prepared the entire package. We will make a decision on you application on the basis of the documents you provide at that time.
Until we request your supporting documents, we will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, except:
- Change of address or contact information, including change of e-mail address;
- Change of immigration representative;
- Request for withdrawal of you application and refund of fees;
- Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources Development Canada.
We strongly recommend that during this time you prepare yourself for immigration to Canada. You should learn about living and working in Canada so you can decide where t live and prepare yourself and you family for life in Canada. For example, Canada has two official languages, English and French. Depending on where you want to live in Canada, you will need excellent speaking, reading and writing skills in one of these languages if you do not have strong English or French skill, study the language before coming to Canada and learn the vocabulary of you profession of trade. Remember: you will be competing against many native speakers of English and French for any available jobs.
Please note: if you apply as a Federal Skilled Worker, just prior to assessment, the visa office will require third party language test results, or other written evidence of your language ability as part of your supporting documentation. If you submit the result of an authorized language test, the visa officer will accept these results as determinate. Because authorized test results are independent and verifiable, cases for which authorized language test results are submitted are likely to be processed more quickly than those that rely on a written submission regarding language ability. In either case, as the visa officer will make a decision based on the language documentation you submit, it is officer with definitive, verifiable results, In addition, while your file is in queue, you may wish to take courses, try practice examinations, and otherwise improve your language ability. Information on the IELTS test in English can be found at www.britishcouncil.org
. Information on the French language test, Test d’evaluation de Francais (TEF) is available at http://www.fed.ccip.fr.
Finding work is a challenging process for Canadians and immigrants. It is essential that you prepare to work in Canada before you move. Even if you have many years of work experience in your home country, you may not be able to work in you trade or profession in Canada. There are many things you can do in your home country to prepare for working in Canada and make your job search easier.
One of your first step should be to prepare for an assessment of your professional qualifications. Many employers will require you to have your credential assessed and accepted before they will hire you. These assessments measure how you training, education, and experience compare to Canadian standards. They may also indicate what further training may be needed before qualifying to work in their professions without a license. If you plan to practice your profession in Canada, you should first determine whether you will be eligible for a license to practice and, if so, what you must do to become licensed.
You should also use this time to begin researching potential employment in Canada. There are a number of electronic job banks which you can access for information and job postings. For more information about living and working in Canada, including language skill and credential assessment, visit the Going To Canada website at: http://www.directioncanada.gc.ca.
This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature.
回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
看来还是HK快啊回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
好,奖励了!回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
大快人心啊>>>>>>>>>>>回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
楼主辛苦了!谢谢附了这么长的信!点燃了新移友心中的希望!!『开心』 『Canada-Flag』回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
恭喜恭喜回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
Post by liu7290;469544我也收到了,9月23号寄的,10月16号收到FN,但我寄的是新加坡,信上告诉我的大概不处理的时间是42-48个月,而楼主的是24-30个月,早知道我还不如寄香港算了。
听说你这个案子会转回BJ大使馆处理,所以时间与HK写法不同-------中介曾经给这么介绍过『大汗』 『大汗』
回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
『收到』 『支持』 『开心』 『Canada-Flag』等待我的FN。。。。
回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
thank you, very useful information!!!回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
看到希望了。『Canada-Flag』回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
总算盼到了,俺也应该也快了。回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
先奖励了再看. 『支持』好像大嘴兄是新政策后第一个拿到香港FN的吧. 『崇拜』回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
我的还没划卡。。。楼主都收到FN了。。。。我也是9.1寄的阿,急死了回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
怎么知道hk签收了回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
祝贺楼主.回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
真快真快回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
第一次来这个论坛,这个速度让人心振奋啊回复: 9.1后流程HK寄来的FN信
just prior to assessment, the visa office will require third party language test results, or other written evidence of your language ability as part of your supporting documentation.