小拉拉1984 发表于 2015-11-3 23:23:11

daisy13_fri 发表于 2015-11-3 17:31
其次评估自己的能力在异地他乡,在最坏的情况下能过的多好?对孩子的终究影响可能有那么正面吗?钱,英语水 ...


daisy13_fri 发表于 2015-11-4 13:17:03

小拉拉1984 发表于 2015-11-3 23:23
嗯,因为孩子的特殊,所以如果决定了我就没有退路了,我必须了解很清楚,有把握才去行动,不想浪费孩子宝 ...






toujours 发表于 2015-11-8 12:01:03

牛仔很忙 发表于 2015-10-23 14:30
1.自闭症儿童需要陪伴,引导,呵护,但你带他突然去一个完全 ...


toujours 发表于 2015-11-8 12:01:33

牛仔很忙 发表于 2015-10-23 14:30
1.自闭症儿童需要陪伴,引导,呵护,但你带他突然去一个完全 ...


xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-4 13:53:57

PPs should be vigilant in their assessment of all paediatric age groups for the
presence of possible delay in development, including cognitive, social, speech and
language development and, neurological and behavioural function in children (e.g.,
cerebral palsy, autism, trisomy 21, etc).

xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-4 13:58:40


小拉拉1984 发表于 2015-12-4 16:00:09

xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-4 13:58
所以体检时一定要训练和医生配合,医生会和孩子交流,不要被医生看出来。 ...


cloud_xiao 发表于 2015-12-5 06:01:31

daisy13_fri 发表于 2015-11-4 13:17

所以如果你真的决定这么做,作为我个人说心里话是很能理解和支持的。当 ...


xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-5 07:16:57

Excessive demand on social services Section R1 defines “social services” as any social services, such as home care, specialized residence and residential services, special education services, social and vocational rehabilitation services, personal support services and the provision of devices related to those services,that are intended to assist a person in functioning physically, emotionally, socially, psychologically or vocationally; and for which the majority of the funding, including funding that provides direct or indirect financial support to an assisted person, is contributed by governments, either directly or through publicly-funded agencies. In light of the Supreme Court decision in Hilewitz v. Canada (M.C.I.); De Jong v. Canada (M.C.I.) 2005 SCC 57, and subsequently the Federal Court of Appeal decision in Colaco v. Canada (M.C.I.) 2007 FCA 282, CIC officers must consider all evidence presented by an applicant, before making a decision of inadmissibility due to excessive demand on social services. The judgments apply to all categories of immigrants.In Hilewitz and De Jong, the Supreme Court determined that all applicants are entitled to an assessment of the probable demand their disability or impairment might place on social services. The applicant is required to provide the officer with information of sufficient quality and detail to permit an assessment of the probable need for social services. In addition, the applicant may provide evidence of ability and intent to reduce the cost and impact on Canadian social services, and this would have to be considered in making a decision.

xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-5 07:17:46

Excessive demand on social services Section R1 defines “social services” as any social services, such as home care, specialized residence and residential services, special education services, social and vocational rehabilitation services, personal support services and the provision of devices related to those services,that are intended to assist a person in functioning physically, emotionally, socially, psychologically or vocationally; and for which the majority of the funding, including funding that provides direct or indirect financial support to an assisted person, is contributed by governments, either directly or through publicly-funded agencies. In light of the Supreme Court decision in Hilewitz v. Canada (M.C.I.); De Jong v. Canada (M.C.I.) 2005 SCC 57, and subsequently the Federal Court of Appeal decision in Colaco v. Canada (M.C.I.) 2007 FCA 282, CIC officers must consider all evidence presented by an applicant, before making a decision of inadmissibility due to excessive demand on social services. The judgments apply to all categories of immigrants.In Hilewitz and De Jong, the Supreme Court determined that all applicants are entitled to an assessment of the probable demand their disability or impairment might place on social services. The applicant is required to provide the officer with information of sufficient quality and detail to permit an assessment of the probable need for social services. In addition, the applicant may provide evidence of ability and intent to reduce the cost and impact on Canadian social services, and this would have to be considered in making a decision.

xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-5 16:51:51


xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-5 17:13:07


xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-6 06:47:54


cloud_xiao 发表于 2015-12-8 23:15:07

xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-5 16:51
我已经移民加拿大了,我有个亲戚也想办加拿大移民,他有一个轻度自闭症的孩子,也希望通过体检。联邦法院有 ...


小拉拉1984 发表于 2015-12-10 20:14:57

cloud_xiao 发表于 2015-12-5 06:01


小拉拉1984 发表于 2015-12-10 20:18:11

xiaogang9602 发表于 2015-12-5 16:51
我已经移民加拿大了,我有个亲戚也想办加拿大移民,他有一个轻度自闭症的孩子,也希望通过体检。联邦法院有 ...


小拉拉1984 发表于 2015-12-10 20:24:17

一段时间抛开了移民的想法,全心全意放在训练孩子上,但今天听到的一件事让我整天都很难受。今天,同事说她儿子一年级,班里有个同学上课走来走去,经常打人,然后老师把上课视频拍下来给其他学生家长看,叫其他家长写信把他赶走。 听了我第一反应就觉得那个孩子是自闭症的,但不管他有多么不对,也不能联合家长把他赶走啊?老师可以跟家长沟通啊!以后孩子如果还能在那个班,叫他怎么面对这些同学?报纸上这样的事情见多了,想不到身边也发生了……这是一所省重点小学…

小拉拉1984 发表于 2015-12-10 20:30:59


cloud_xiao 发表于 2015-12-10 23:30:31


yenny319 发表于 2015-12-11 05:02:18

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