千寻2008 发表于 2015-7-27 23:07:09

招聘大数据(Big Data0

Hello, 非常感谢驿路枫情的一路相伴,从留学到工签再到现在收到登陆纸了,回报论坛和同学们,

If you are qualified and interested in this position, please send your resume to Upal.Recruiter@gmail.com or call 416-900-2330 for more details.

Design, develop, test and maintain a scalable solution to handle huge amounts of records with minimum processing latency, and building a cost-effective high throughput system
Build fault tolerant, highly performant data pipelines that are capable of ingesting 100s of GBs of data everyday
Develop proof of concepts that demonstrate data centric analytic services delivering structured and unstructured information.
Integrate, via APIs, the following, but not limited to: web-services, custom wrappers, and third party applications.
Analyze structured/semi-structured/ unstructured metadata about customer behaviour/click stream data/ transactional data from eCommerce or PoS
Implement a mixed batch / near-real time architecture to analyze, index, and publish customer-facing data
Bring experience with Hadoop (MapReduce, Sqoop, Hive, HBase, Pig, Oozie, Storm) to augment team's capability and accelerate the rollout of data features
Draft technical document and present challenge solution architectures to partners
Learn and apply new technologies as the challenge portfolio evolves.
Work with a combination of internal and external subject matter experts, architects, and developers.Work closely with BAs and other team members to understand the business requirements
Work closely with QAs to understand test cases;
Update project status and meet project schedule;
Provide support to testers on integration and system tests;

千寻2008 发表于 2015-8-8 02:52:21


瑶纸呀瑶纸 发表于 2015-8-13 04:18:14


千寻2008 发表于 2015-8-22 02:28:40

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查看完整版本: 招聘大数据(Big Data0