I just got back from the interview. It is my first interview in Canada.The job is referred by a friend's relative. The company is a general contractor focusing on construction, commissioning and operating projects regarding municipal infrastructures e.g. water and wastewater plants and pumping stations. But they don't even have a website, so this is absolutely the hidden job.
Now they have a vacancy for project coordinator who would assist the PM to perform various duties. Though my past experience is more about design and consultation, I also have some involvements in construction parts, and I am always wanting to learn more about it. And I kicked off the interview by delivering this message in a very upfront way.
Then, they began to address their major concern which is my communication ability.My referee told me this before. They worried that Chinese people are just like cows, hard working but silent. So I illustrated my communication skills in 10 minutes by reflection on my previous achievements related to communication, which seemed to be convincing.
So they started to dig those details in my resume and even brought out some documents to quiz me. And finally, they found me lack of some knowledge in automation and digester part. I said that's true because I worked for a really large organization. I did have some involvement into it but I am not a specialist. If this is important for this position, I think I would more than happy to learn something new to upgrade my skills.I try to showcase all the skills I have and showed a strong desire to work in their company. They seemed to be interested in me.
The interviewer are two managers operating the company. The interview lasted for 1.5 hours, which is fairly long. They wrapped up the interview with the question of expecting wage and available date. When one of them indicated that I could help them, the other began to ask my driver's license. I said that I don't have driving experience before, but I am working on it, and I will get my G2 license by next Jan when I could be able to drive independently.
Generally, the interview went well. The conversation flow is good, the vibe is right, and we have even had some laughs during the talk. The most drawback of my skill sets is the driver license. If I didn't get the job, it's probably the driver license.
They didn't ask me for references. And I forgot to ask for their business card. But I can get their email address through my referee to send a thank you note to each of them.
机会浪费了。 lamjin 发表于 2015-7-10 16:41
呵呵 祝楼主面试有好结果,1.5H的面试是挺长的,全程有HR的人参与么?文中似乎没有提到,有关于介绍下自己,什么优缺点等类似的问题么? Thank you so much for sharing your interview experience!:-D
Good luck! no. it's a fairly small company. they don't do HR thing at all. HR will ask thpse questions you concerned. These managers have their own wayto figure out your attributes. Interviews vary a lot. Get prepared for any possible qurstions. Attending workshop provided by ACCES EMPloyment CEnter. You can learn so much about interview. 我面试的时候,基本上就是不到半个小时吧。
问了几个专业的问题,问了问个人工作经历就OK,其他的就是看你是不是有其他的问题了。 Thanks for the sharing. It is very helpful for us. I agree that "interviews vary a lot", all we can do is preparation and confidence!
Good luck! congrats! 楼主加牛! cool『Canada-Flag』 时隔2个多月,刚才接到他们经理的电话,通知我尽快上班。本周三结束无业游民生活,正式上班了。和我分析的一样,就是因为驾照,一直拖到现在。
再次提醒所有新移民,networking非常重要,严于律己,宽以待人,和每一个接触到的人,都要展现自己最好的一面,在加拿大,人际关系比在国内重要,而且任何一个朋友都不要搞僵,不知道会在哪里,会再有交集。 再祝贺一次! 上班后,汇报一下工作压力。 lamjin 发表于 2015-9-14 21:43
今天开了第一次例会,terminology完全不一样,抓不住细节。一直开到8:00pm,全世界搞工程的,都在overtime,没有加班费,一个德行。另外就是脏话和我们国内也有得一拼,今天F字出现了大概有1000次吧,不带F字,根本没法好好说话了,他们还说抱歉,我说不用,我在中国也这样,只是英语老师没教过怎么用F字,所以不太会用.... 什么时候想逃离的时候说一声。 lamjin 发表于 2015-9-22 18:37
For sure. Not now. 因为并不是每个人都会拿到补贴,就说是骗人的, 这什么逻辑? OSAP 也不是人人都能拿到, 也是骗人的? lamjin 发表于 2015-9-24 19:21
因为并不是每个人都会拿到补贴,就说是骗人的, 这什么逻辑? OSAP 也不是人人都能拿到, 也是骗人的? ...
不是,在招生的时候,学校的老师是说100%能拿到的,在这一点是骗人的。 他们网站都说,不是一定都能拿到, 估计你没看到。