Kiratalent practice分享
参加过CIIP的同学,应该都注册了careeredge,注册后都会提醒大家做一个Online interview,现在把我做过的练习题和大家分享一下,希望对大家有所帮助。1. Tell usabout a situation where your values were challenged. How did you respond andwhat did you learn?2. How haslearning by doing been a part of your life? What are benefits of it to you?3. Where do youexcel professionally and would love to do as a part of your job?4. AlbertEinstein once said, "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, butimagination." What does this mean to you, and do you agree or disagreewith it?5. Tell meabout the pets you had growing up. If you didn't have one, which would you haveliked, and why?6. What wouldyou do if your expectations of your job was having a negative impact on yourpersonal relationships?7. Who are someof the leaders you most admire? Why?8. Describe atime you had to speak in public. What did you learn?9. Tell usabout a personal attribute that has helped you the most in getting you to whereyou are today.10.Do youbelieve education is a privilege or a right? Support your choice.11.This mightbe one of the most difficult questions you’ve ever come across in aninterview—make the funniest face possible on your webcam12.How wouldyou estimate the revenue generated from ticket sales at the London 2012Olympics? Take us through your thinking.13.Tell usabout a time when you received difficult feedback. How did you respond?14.Tell usabout your favorite childhood memory.15.People aremore motivated by altruism than self interest. Do you agree or disagree? Why?16.Tell usabout a time when you received difficult feedback. How did you respond?17.17.Whatparts of your life are you most disciplined in? Why do you think that is?18.If you had aday of vacation and unlimited resources, how would you spend the day?19.Tell usabout a situation where your values were challenged. How did you respond andwhat did you learn?20.What’s your favorite quote and why?21.What’s your favorite city and why?22.Tell us arecent dream you had.23.If you cango to any places free of charge, where would you like to go? And why?
好厉害,果然论坛里面都是前辈。我刚从YMCA拿到他们的信息,也到了搜集面试题目的这一步 jarodoce 发表于 2015-1-27 08:24
好厉害,果然论坛里面都是前辈。我刚从YMCA拿到他们的信息,也到了搜集面试题目的这一步 ...
陆续会有其他题目上线,欢迎你到时候也把你的题目回复到这里,一起提高面试技能 8:00 PM 26/01/2015
Tell us about a personal attribute that has helped you the most in getting you to where you are today.
What parts of your life are you most disciplined in? Why do you think that is?
Tell us about something that impacted your performance last year, but was out of your control.
This might be one of the most difficult questions you’ve ever come across in an interview—make the funniest face possible on your webcam
How has learning by doing been a part of your life? What are benefits of it to you?
Tell me about the pets you had growing up. If you didn't have one, which would you have liked, and why?
How would you estimate the revenue generated from ticket sales at the London 2012 Olympics? Take us through your thinking.
What do you do outside of work?
Tell us about a time you motivated people to drive change in an organization or community.(STAR)
When you have multiple tasks due at the same time, what strategies do you use to ensure all tasks are completed on time?
What is your favourite city or town, and why?
10:18 PM 26/01/2015
Tell us about a recent dream you had.
7:40 PM 27/01/2015
What parts of your life are you most disciplined in? Why do you think that is?
Describe a time you had to speak in public. What did you learn?
Tell us about a mentor or a person who has influenced you. How so?
Tell us about when you faced a difficult professional situation. How did you handle it and what did you learn?
Simon allenlgb 发表于 2015-1-27 08:29
陆续会有其他题目上线,欢迎你到时候也把你的题目回复到这里,一起提高面试技能 ...
我是错过了CIIP,当时很难赶到北京去。看了Edge网上的信息,觉得最大的好处是帮忙介绍internship的机会,不知道你觉得这个项目怎么样 xpec 发表于 2015-1-27 22:05
8:00 PM 26/01/2015
Tell us about a personal attribute that has helped you the most in getting you t ...
『Canada-Flag』 jarodoce 发表于 2015-1-28 05:47
我估计照着这些题目准备一下,然后就要正式面试了,毕竟前面忙小孩子的事情已经差不多,要开始正式找工作 ...
你已经登陆了吗?为什么不做CIIP Online session呢?效果一样的,还方便呢,如果还在国内,赶紧和他们联系一下,电话邮件都可以,请他们尽快帮你安排一下。参加完你拿到MAP,就知道该怎么办了。
每个人的MAP不一样,我是要参加bridge training的,还有同学是直接去读college了 这么多面试题哦... allenlgb 发表于 2015-1-28 08:43
你已经登陆了吗?为什么不做CIIP Online session呢?效果一样的,还方便呢,如果还在国内,赶紧和他们联 ...
我已经过来加拿大了,当时着急过来生孩子,也就管不了那么多。CIIP是做不了了,这边应该也有类似的机构,我去找找。谢谢 allenlgb 发表于 2015-1-28 08:43
你已经登陆了吗?为什么不做CIIP Online session呢?效果一样的,还方便呢,如果还在国内,赶紧和他们联 ...
对的,应该用online session,当时是有听说,不过那个时候在考虑过来直接申请念书的,所以就没有太考虑。现在是觉得读MBA有点得不偿失的 感谢楼主的分享!我也正在准备on line interview. 不知楼主能否分享下最后真正interview的问题是什么呢?谢啦!!! 我有十年大公司HR经验,说实话大部分问题是无效的。因为面试问题应该是开放式问题,也就是behavioral interview,从过往真实经验挖掘行为模式,也就是说,假设性问题是无效的。
anyway,我还没有去参加CIIP,如果是以上的面试题目,则让我十分失望了。 你的帖子很有帮助,正式interview和Practice的问题一样吗? jarodoce 发表于 2015-1-30 01:51
对的,应该用online session,当时是有听说,不过那个时候在考虑过来直接申请念书的,所以就没有太考虑。 ...
MBA很不错啊,为什么得不偿失呢? LoveDerek 发表于 2015-8-18 23:20
感谢楼主的分享!我也正在准备on line interview. 不知楼主能否分享下最后真正interview的问题是什么呢?谢 ...