本周 future shop和 bestbuy 都促销。 原价199, 促销99。http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/canon-canon-imageclass-all-in-one-laser-printer-with-fax-mf4770n-mf4770n/10221843.aspx?path=4918b8aae2f9ada86b0af68f01bff7a4en02 还以为是要做激光开刀手术呢。 http://www.futureshop.ca/multimedia/Products/500x500/102/10221/10221843.jpg 我前一段在superstore 买的,也是这个价 本帖最后由 lamjin 于 2014-6-22 15:02 编辑激光打印,复印,扫描,传真,+ 网络。 这东西主要靠墨盒赚钱,机器来绑定客户的 6# g980452 ji硒鼓的耐用。staple有副厂的硒鼓便宜。我记得我去年blackFriday买时,睡前80. 价格比中国国内便宜好多 I already bought a printer in May. A Canon all in one - fax, scan, print, copy. MX 522 that I got for $59. I already bought a printer in May. A Canon all in one - fax, scan, print, copy. MX 522 that I got for $59.
UncleTom 发表于 2014-6-23 00:28 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gifIsit a laser printer also? 略过,我最感冒的是你们经常提起的牛羊肉,奶,奶酪,,,,的价格,真叫人抓狂o_O Isit a laser printer also?
妮蝶斯 发表于 2014-6-23 00:54 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gifInk jet printer。
AirPrint: Print wirelessly and effortlessly from your compatible iPhone?, iPad?, or iPod touch?- no drivers needed!
Built-In Auto Duplex Printing: Automatically print on both sides of the page without the hassle of turning it over manually
Fully-Integrated, 30-sheet Auto Document Feeder: Easily copy, scan and fax multiple documents without having to load them one page at a time
With Google Cloud Print, you can print from wherever you are, from applications you use every day. You can even share your home and work printers with anyone you choose
Compatible with CL-241 XL Ink Tanks & PG-240 XL Or PG-240 XXL Pigment Black Ink Tanks. Save Even More On Combo/Value Packs!
http://www.amazon.com/Canon-MX522-Wireless-Printer-Scanner/dp/B00AVWKUWU 如今,市面上最新发布的系列商务喷墨打印机,已经在成本上占有了绝对优势。此外,商喷在稳定性和可靠性上,也几乎与激光处于同等位置,更重要的是能满足用户的色彩需求。
喷墨打印不甘寂寞,妄图从激光打印割地并分庭抗礼。现在高端的商喷在性能上甚至优于激光机。 ——引自网络。 略过,我最感冒的是你们经常提起的牛羊肉,奶,奶酪,,,,的价格,真叫人抓狂o_O
Carolline 发表于 2014-6-23 00:56 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif无注水绵羊肉30元一斤,后腿,前天刚买。羊棒骨8元一斤。我做的羊肉汤啊,我真爱喝! 无注水绵羊肉30元一斤,后腿,前天刚买。羊棒骨8元一斤。我做的羊肉汤啊,我真爱喝!
UncleTom 发表于 2014-6-23 01:35 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif在哪个城市? 周王城。 13# UncleTom 彩色激光打印机,我更喜欢这个新鲜玩意,就是价格高。 本帖最后由 红酒 于 2014-6-23 10:49 编辑
回楼上,价格便宜的,耗材贵哈 喷墨的是耗材比机器贵或一样贵。 喷墨的打不了多少张,要么就会墨头干了,要么就是某种颜色的墨没了。 有的喷墨打印机缺了一种颜色的墨打印机就不用了啦。 老金说的对,但现在喷墨有改进。