紧急求解:要求参加Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP).
On behalf of the Government of Canada, the Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO) at Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) would like to encourage you to attend the free orientation services offered by the Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP).
You, your spouse and your working age dependents become eligible to participate in CIIP when you are completing the application process for a Canadian immigration visa, usually at the stage where you have been requested to undergo your medical examinations, and security and background checks have been initiated. Please be aware that being eligible for, or actually participating in an orientation session, is not a guarantee or an indicator that your immigration application will ultimately be successful or that you will receive an immigrant visa.
The purpose of the CIIP orientation session is to help you understand how to use labor market information and how to get your credentials/qualifications assessed and recognized. You will also learn how to access local resources through Canadian partners who can help in your job search and in the settlement process. Immigrants to Canada who have participated in these sessions have described them as very important to their early labour market success.
CIIP services are offered in a number of locations in China, India, the Philippines and the United Kingdom. Services will also be available in other countries depending on demand, including Scandinavia, the Middle East and South East Asia. More information about service locations can be found at the CIIP website: https://www.newcomersuccess.ca where you can also register to participate in an orientation session.
The CIIP sessions are very popular and space is limited. We encourage you to register early to secure a spot in an upcoming session.
The FCRO also encourages you to visit their
website, www.credentials.gc.ca where you can find additional helpful resources about working in Canada.
To learn more, please visit: https://www.newcomersuccess.ca
Immigration Section
Consulate General of Canada
G.P.O Box 11142, Hong Kong
Disclaimer: By supplying your email address (in your enquiry or previously in your application), you are initiating an email communication with CIC, and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. When you supply your email address to CIC, it is also understood that you are aware that this channel may not be a secure channel. CIC is not liable for the disclosure of personal information to a third party where CIC has taken reasonable means to ensure the identity of the party. CIC is also not liable for the misuse of this information by a third party. 没啥,到 https://www.newcomersuccess.ca上去注册一下就行。后面或许会在国内参加些咨询会,到那边也会有志愿者啥的帮忙 谢谢回复!
这个邮件与目前的审批进度没有任何关系吗? 应该是审批到ME这一步才会发出这样的邀请,帮助新移民提前适应;) 噢,原来是这样的,那看来是好事近了。就去注册响应一下吧,哈哈。 5# lekongwen
看来不是坏事,积极响应,马上注册! 4# deepbluegemini
你也没有ME? 好事儿啊,不是要求,是邀请。
CIIP一般只邀请已经体检了的人参加培训。至少说明,你体检没跑了 8# mcs