本帖最后由 齐鲁风 于 2014-4-4 08:58 编辑请教各位版主、大侠、各位写邮件成功获得回复的TX们:催问VO的邮件该如何写才好呢?找什么理由来说明自己发邮件询问的必要性和合理性呢?在哪些时间节点、间隔多长时间发邮件合适呢?怎样写才不会招致VO反感,再给你加个背调什么的?多谢了 总体上说主动发催问邮件给香港办公室是利大还是弊大呢?会加快审批进程?还是没有影响?还是减慢速度(听有人说无合适理由发邮件催问的话,VO会重新排队,会是这样吗)?会节外生枝,增加背调的机率吗?谢谢。 VO不会像小媳妇一样报复你……顶多就是不理会。
在正常处理时间内的案子,原则上我不建议频繁邮件催促,每封邮件都需要人力去处理,这是损人不利己的事情。 请说明你等了多久了,假如在时间合理的范围内 或者有其他人比你还久,那可能就是没排到你 已体检四个多月了,还没有PL信来,实在有些着急了。我是半DIY的NB省商业提名,就是资料由中介帮忙整理并给一些思路和建议,而递交资料、跟省、联邦联系的事都是自己做的。省提名前跟省里联系过很多次,基本上顺畅,一般都是当天就回复,有时一个晚上就有两三个来回。到联邦转香港后联系过三次,第一次是13年10月29日收到香港体检表,但是发现只有我的,没有我对象和小孩的,于是在跟中介沟通后于10月31日发邮件询问,分享如下:
Dear Officers,
Very glad to receive your Medical Examination Instructions on Oct.29,2013. But after check I found there's only Examination form of myself. Would you please send me the Examination forms of my wife(Name:, Date of Birth:19) and my son(Name:, Date of Birth:20)?
Your kind assistance will be highly appreciated.
Best Regards
This is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong.
We are re-sending the attached medical forms for your spouse and son to you.
Dear Officers,
We had medical examinations at XXX Hospital on Nov.29,2013 and were informed that all the ME results were OK on Dec.2,2013. They said they would submit the ME results to you on Dec.3,2013. Nearly one month went by I had no further information. I wonder if you have received the ME results? Shall I ask the hospital to resend the results again?
I also have received your email about request of business registration documents on Nov.28,2013. I prepared and sent the documents on Dec.6,2013. Have you received the package?
Your check of my case will be highly appreciated.
Best Regards
Dear Sir/Madam,
This message is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong.
Please be advised that medical result has been received. Your case is pending for review, further instruction/decision will be sent in due course.
For your current application status, please refer to:
We trust that this information will be of assistance.
Dear Officers,
I am XXXX, from China P.R..
I took the medical exam on Nov 29,2013 and submitted the required additional documents on Dec 6, 2013 .
It is more than 3 months since my medical exam. I plan to land NB province in this summer in order to develop my business there and arrange the study for my child.
Would you please check what I should do for the process of my application?
Thank you.
此邮件发出后一直没收任何回复,也没有其他进展,本想再发邮件询问,可是看到坛子里很多TX背调,所以心生疑忌,也不敢再贸然发邮件。可是老这么拖着,没有任何信息,又心有不甘,所以请教一下大家,看这个催问的邮件该如何写才好? 我的意见是,催了一封就可以了,不要重复内容。换你也烦的。但是你可以换着说法吹,譬如,你考虑最近要二胎,迟迟不给我pl影响了我的计划。反正我觉得就是将心比心,坦坦荡荡的陈述自己的想法就号了。 6# aniia
这真是个好主意,感谢指点! M版久经沙场,见多识广;
多谢! 欢迎大家来交流! 我比你还早10天得到MER的 现在也是没PL 昨天发信给大使馆问了 还没回信呢 一起等吧。上天自有安排 是啊,听天由命可能会更淡定些。 祝楼主早日PL 『必胜』 祝楼主早日PL 『必胜』
zuo99 发表于 2014-4-4 10:49 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
移路同行,一路同顺利! 同样是PNP 2月底才体检 看来还有段路要等