急死我了。你们就是这效率?跟树懒一样,星期一针扎你,星期四你才有反应? 不敢想象,以后的生活怎么过。漫天大雪,到处白茫茫。白茫茫啊,白茫茫。那雪飘得真慢呀,不着急,慢慢来。那stupid车开得真慢啊,车轱辘两分钟转一圈儿。那张stupid嘴里的哈气出来的真慢啊,跟团鸡巴棉花糖似的,悬在空中,跟达利的鸡巴画似的。加拿大的表走得真慢啊,慢得表盘都撑不住,耷拉着跟张煎饼似的,只有指针还像达利的beard,鸡巴翘着,好像说他不是达利,不是阳痿啊。慢慢来,不着急。不着急,慢慢抽。我慢慢地抽啊,抽啊,抽啊,口水乱流。一支烟抽了鸡巴俩小时,根本不能过瘾。这就是加拿大的速度。 Can't imagine, how slowly is the life. Snow white, everywhere. White, white. The snow is so slow ah, don't worry, take it easy. The stupid drive slowly, wheel around two minutes. The stupid mouth breath out so slow ah, with Dick cotton candy like, hanging in the air, with his dick pictures like. The Canadian table go slowly, slowly the dial can not stand, hung with a pancake like, only the pointer is also like beard Daly, dick up, if he is not Daly, not impotence. Take it easy, don't worry. Don't worry, slowly pull. Slowly I smoke, smoke, smoke, slobber turbulence. One cigarette a dick for two hours, no fun. This is Canada's speed. 上面基本是自动翻译啊,别误导了。关机!