闲云 发表于 2014-2-12 23:19 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
还没有正式实施。只是说保守党政府有此意向,全面废除目前的联邦投资及企业移民计划。 本帖最后由 Frank 于 2014-2-13 04:37 编辑
Government to eliminate backlog-ridden and inefficient Investor and Entrepreneur ProgramsOttawa, February 11, 2014 — Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander today welcomed measures in Economic Action Plan (EAP) 2014 to build a faster, more flexible immigration system that makes real contributions to Canada’s long-term prosperity.
EAP 2014 announced the government’s intent to terminate the federal Immigrant Investor Program (IIP) and Federal Entrepreneur (EN) Program, eliminate a large and longstanding backlog of applications, and pave the way for new pilot programs that will actually meet Canada’s labour market and economic needs.
The current IIP provides limited economic benefit to Canada. Research shows that immigrant investors pay less in taxes than other economic immigrants, are less likely to stay in Canada over the medium- to long-term and often lack the skills, including official language proficiency, to integrate as well as other immigrants from the same countries.
Eliminating the IIP and EN programs – and the associated backlog of applications – will allow the government to focus on attracting experienced business people and raising investment capital that is of maximum benefit to Canada’s economy.
The government will replace these programs with more focused and effective pilot programs that will ensure that immigrants who come to Canada deliver meaningful benefits to our economy. This will complement CIC’s Start-Up Visa, enabling Canada to remain competitive in the global economy. Details of the new pilots will be announced in the coming months.
Quick facts[*]Under the Immigrant Investor Program, Canada offers guaranteed permanent residence in exchange for a guaranteed $800,000 loan (before 2010, the amount was only $400,000). The United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand require as much as $5 to $10 million, and do not offer up-front permanent residency.[*]Over a 20-year career, an immigrant investor pays about $200,000 less in income taxes than a federal skilled worker and almost $100,000 less in taxes than one live-in caregiver.[*]The current IIP has an inventory of more than 65,000 persons, larger than any other economic immigration program. At current levels, it would take more than six years to process this inventory.
Quote“Our government is focused on attracting experienced business people and raising investment capital that will contribute to our economic success over the long term. Our government will continue to focus on economic immigration programs that make sense for Canada by ensuring our economic and labour market needs are being met now and into the future.”
Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister
Related product[*]Backgrounder: Terminating the Federal Immigrant Investor and Entrepreneur Programs.[*]Economic Action Plan 2014
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For further information (media only), please contact:
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Minister’s Office
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
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Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Building a stronger Canada: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) strengthens Canada’s economic, social and cultural prosperity, helping ensure Canadian safety and security while managing one of the largest and most generous immigration programs in the world. 不知会不会对房价有影响。 加政府还是觉得卖便宜了,不划算。低估了你们中国人的实力啊,这厢连连抬价,那边反而热情高涨,卯足了劲儿长个10倍8倍的~ 以下是刚从网易黏贴的,不知真伪。
加移民政策影响5.7万富豪 中介:很多人是广撒网
2014-02-14 09:01:10 来源: 新闻晨报(上海) 有0人参与
从本科读到博士 适龄不敢结婚
夏威介绍,加拿大投资移民政策是以家庭为单位的,申请者一人取得永久居住权,可以惠及配偶和21周岁以下的子女。但是提出,如果子女仍在就学或者没有能力自食其力,可以放宽年龄限制。为此,一名申请者多年前就提交了申请,那时候儿子还在上大学,结果申请一直迟迟不能下来,为了全家移民,儿子只好接着读书,这样一直从大学读到了研究生,又读了博士,还是没有办下来。这个案例成为移民中介圈里的大众谈资。还有一名申请者,也是申请了多年,儿子达到了结婚年龄,却迟迟不敢结婚,因为结婚之后就成了两个家庭,就不符合这项政策了,只好就这样拖着。 中介说实话了, 投资移民成功率很低, 但宣传的都是100%成功。 中介说实话了, 投资移民成功率很低, 但宣传的都是100%成功。
lamjin 发表于 2014-2-14 12:18 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
我知道的案例成功率占一半吧。 再次感谢FCH老大特别关照,给予激活。一刀切掉联邦投移,是否意味着其他类别机会更多了?因为加国每年批准的总移民人数一直在增长啊,象技移,省提,商移等适合穷新人的类别更好批了吧?谢谢! 同意这段分析,但只是真正有钱、在国内有大生意的投移才这样。把国內资产全卖掉,然后全家过来做买个生意做的投移应该不算在内。
加拿大房市、各类服务于大款的小生意要难做了。 ...
紫燕喃喃 发表于 2014-2-12 09:23 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
说的是啊。 重点推创业签证
加拿大将会用更加有效的、能够创造更多价值的试验性项目来取代被取消的投资移民项目.除了已经有的联邦技术移民计划、联邦技术交易项目、加拿大经验类移民等项目外,加拿大将重点推出公民和移民部创业签证(Start-Up Visa)。 已经有了, 但没人申请。 一朋友,刚过来的投资移民,在这边买了大房子,开宝马, 不上班, 不纳税,两个孩子却能拿很高的牛奶金. 我穷技移,缴好多的税,租房子,没车.孩子却只能拿很少的牛奶金.
前人不栽树,后人就乘不到凉. 只能怪早些的投资移民了.你那么有钱,每年就多纳点税, 就别领牛奶金了呗:)