Tories set to cancel Immigrant Investor Program in budget:-yahoo新闻
It appears that Canada's Immigrant Investor Program (IIP) will be no more.
Up until 2012, the IIP offered 2,500 visas a year to affluent foreign nationals — mostly from China — who simply invested $800,000 into Canadian government coffers for a period of 5 years.
The popular program, however, was suspended in July 2012 due to excessive processing backlogs.
Now, according to the Globe and Mail, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty will announce — as part of Budget 2014 — that the program will be shelved for good.
"Sources say the government believes the immigrant investor class of newcomers pays significantly less taxes over the decades than other economic immigrants, have less proficiency in English or French and are less likely to actually reside in Canada than other arrivals."
Most Western countries have immigrant investor programs who some disparage as a 'visas for sale' program.
The United States, for example, has its EB-5 Regional Centre scheme, which allocates 10,000 Green Cards a year for individuals who invest $500,000 into one of over 200 U.S. Government designated investment funds across the country.
[ Related: Five things to expect in Tuesday's budget ]
The justification for such programs — all around the world — is that they create jobs.
According to the Association to Invest in USA (IIUSA), the EB-5 program accounts for the creation of over 95,000 American jobs since 2005.
Moreover, IIPs buoy a country's economy by welcoming high net-worth individuals who spend lots of money to buy houses, cars and other luxury items. In fact, according to a March 2010 study, Canada's IIP provided an annual economic contribution of $2 billion.
Toronto-based immigration attorney Michael Niren argues that the government's decision is short-sighted.
"This is typical of the government's mentality seeing immigration as primarily a source of tax revenue. In their wisdom the government has deemed the investor program for Canada as not yielding enough of a return on investment to continue with the program. But consider the facts," he told Yahoo Canada News in an email exchange.
[ Related: Canadian budget to favour restraint over stimulus ]
"Why would any country close the doors to high net-worth individuals who are required to invest hundreds of thousands into the economy as part of the visa process? Makes no sense at all. These immigrants and their families are a great resource for Canada on all levels.
"The problem with the investor program is that it has been mismanaged from the start. Investor programs work if they are managed right."
Flaherty is set to unveil his Economic Action Plan 2014 Tuesday at 4 p.m. ET.
Come back to Yahoo Canada for complete budget coverage.
(Photo courtesy of Citizenship and Immigration Canada) 拥护政府决定。 投资移民 都家里干呆着 于国于己都无利 不要了好 不要他们好 "Sources say the government believes the immigrant investor class of newcomers pays significantly less taxes over the decades than other economic immigrants, have less proficiency in English or French and are less likely to actually reside in Canada than other arrivals."
政府估计一算帐,不划算。 拥护政府决定。
lamjin 发表于 2014-2-12 09:00 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
你不拥护还能怎样? 本帖最后由 紫燕喃喃 于 2014-2-12 12:47 编辑
加拿大房市、各类服务于大款的小生意要难做了。 其实已经暂停了一段时间了。不过这回是想彻底取消。
加拿大移民政策非常多变。 政府也不傻,吃一堑长一智。 不知该说什么好……
命运叵测 开放十年多次往返签证、允许留学生打工等政策的出台,吸引更多的消费;限制投资移民政策的继续进行,这些是一条龙的政策,无非表明加拿大政府要的是钱,而不是人。只是那些蹉跎了几年在等待的联邦投资移民申请者们“倒霉”了。 切过了20多万的,再切6万也不是个事儿了。
不过这次打官司的是不是会多些呢,都是有钱人啊! 已经打完官司了, 又输了, 律师又赢了。 开放十年多次往返签证、允许留学生打工等政策的出台,吸引更多的消费;限制投资移民政策的继续进行,这些是一条龙的政策,无非表明加拿大政府要的是钱,而不是人。只是那些蹉跎了几年在等待的联邦投资移民申请者们“ ...
牟子晨曦 发表于 2014-2-12 11:19 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
不过政策老变,失信于众。 又一次 “一刀切”
只不过这次的对象是 投资移民 最主要是价格太便宜了,那么点钱就让土鳖全家都混到枫叶卡,还远不如霾都的身份证值钱 还有别的投资移民项目。 打到保守党『Canada-Flag』 天下熙熙, 皆为利驱。。。。 好像移民部至今还没有出台明确的一刀切投资移民的政策呀『Canada-Flag』 八十万加元就能移民,而且只是借款而已,最后还会还给你的。加政府自己都说了,其他国家,比如英国、澳大利亚和新西兰都要求500到1000万的投资额,而且不是立即给身份。