Walmart Rewards MasterCard
常去沃儿马买东西,让申请了Walmart Rewards MasterCard,今天受到卡了,还附上另一封信,不太明白怎么回事,请教大侠:Your account is now protected for some of life's unexpected events.
Unbeatable price for all this protection
Your monthly premium will be billed to your Walmart Rewards MasterCard account at a cost of 85 cents per $100 of your monthly statement balance, in any month with a balance of $25 or more. You only pay for the coverage you need, at an unbeatable price.
是说得到这张卡,就自动选择了这个保险并需要交费吗?不明白什么意思求解,谢过! 看样子是有月费的。和你的消费额相关联。 估计你激活的时候,没听懂,光说yes 了。
这个附带的保险, 可以打电话取消。 谢谢啊!给楼上各位拜年:马年马到功成!龙马精神!一马当先!梦想成真!