我昨天晚上通过 https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/case-cas-eng.aspx?mission=beijing 网站给使馆写了封信,告知其我打算结婚的决定,并要求将我的申请从一人变更我两个人,并要求他提供指引,以便我补充相关的材料。可否请有经验的人说说,我这般变更的话,需要准备哪些材料来着?
个人以为,从打分规则上来说,我一个人的分数就够了,所以从一个人变成了两个人,除了资金证明的要求略有提高以外,如果材料具备,其他部分应该没有任何问题。就是这样一来,我的案子的处理时间应该就要delay了。不过我选择的北京VO,本来的速度就不快来着。 按照5612列举的,把spouse需要的材料加上去呗。另外主申有些表里的信息需要更新,把副申加进去,比如主表。 『同情』我也是,中途更改婚姻状态,所以跟我同期申请的人都毕业了,还剩我在苦苦等待呢。 准备充分的资料来证明你的副申不是搭便车,这个很重要 上周五给北京VO写信,他们回信的速度倒是挺快,回信中的指示也非常清楚。我把他们的回信贴在这里,供大家参考一下:
Dear Sir/Madam, Please be advised that we require the following documents for your spouse to process your application:
1- Processing fee for your spouse; For details see http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/fees-frais.aspx?lang=eng&view=d
2- Updated application forms for you and your spouse (see below for forms download):
- Updated application form IMM 0008 (02-2012)E Generic;
- Updated application form IMM 5669 (07-2011) Schedule A;
- Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 3;
- Family Comp + Education/Employment;
3- A notarized birth certificate of your spouse;
4- A notarized no criminal activity certificate for your spouse;
5- Photographs of your spouse according to the specifications in the application kit;
If your application is for Quebec province please submit CSQ for your spouse as well.
We will contact you if there is any further information we require.
Please provide the above requested documents for your spouse within 90 days. If we do not receive anything from you within that timeframe your application will be closed.
Yours sincerely,
Visa and Immigration Section | Section des Visas et de l'Immigration
Canadian Embassy | Ambassade du Canada
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China | Beijing, Chine 100600
www.china.gc.ca| www.chine.gc.ca
5# shyl 恩,对,就是提交这些。赶紧准备吧。 但是它没有说需要我的结婚公证哦,好像材料证明的逻辑上有些问题呢。我是否应该补一份证明我结婚的材料给它? 7# shyl 结婚证需要公证,我当时有公证。